Creating a pattern - help

c0nsilience122 views3 posts
  • c0nsilience

    Is there anyway to create a pattern with a connected midi controller or is mouse-clicking the matrix the only way to do this?

    I've been able to map and play presets with the midi controller and I can't track in the DAW, but I'd like to be able to create patterns from the controller rather than by single mouse clicks.

    Is this possible?


  • Magnus Lidström

    It is. You can use CC to edit individual steps in Microtonic. Look here:

    In this example, trigs would be CC 1->16, accents 17->32 and fills 33->48. Microtonic can also send CC (check "MIDI Config") so if your controller has LEDs you might be able to light up enabled steps properly too.

  • c0nsilience

    Fantastic, thank you kindly!

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