uTonic 3.0 - XP - Live 8.1
possible to configure the amazing uTonic to beat in 5/4 ?
- mister natural wrote:
uTonic 3.0 - XP - Live 8.1
possible to configure the amazing uTonic to beat in 5/4 ?
If by 5/4 you mean twenty 16th notes before the pattern begins over again, the answer is yes. Although a pattern is at most 16 steps you can string several patterns together with the chain feature. E.g. create pattern 'a' with 16 steps and pattern 'b' with 4 steps, then click the chain button and you will now in practice have a 20 step pattern. MicroTonic will assume that your entire song is in 5/4 and sync accordingly to song position wherever you start playing.
I am attaching a preset that demonstrates this.
FiveFour.mtpreset(16.7kB, 846 downloads)
tuk sa myket (sp?), Magnus
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