I've been working on a JavaScript version of Patternarium for quite a while. We did a closed alpha earlier this year while I was still finishing up some implementations (shout out and big thanks 🙏 to the testers).
I know, Flash lost the battle and has been dead for years. It's sad because I still think Flash was a really good cross-platform for media-rich web content (especially now that I have re-created Patternarium once again). But, yes, let's face it, we did not want Patternarium to die out because of this, so a JavaScript version was inevitable.
Browsers that should work is Firefox, Chrome, and Safari (or browsers based on any of those frameworks). Microsoft Internet Explorer or their old Edge (non-Chromium) browser will definitely not work.
The biggest new feature in 2.0 is favorites. This allows you to mark patterns that you want to revisit or download later.
If you filter by favorites, the download button turns into a download favorites button that will create a zip-package of all your favorites in the selected generation.
By signing in on our site, your votes and favorites are linked to your account. This means that you can browse, vote and favorite mark on one device, and later download it all on another.
Browser versions and platform compatibility are big factors and I feel it needs more testing before I can consider it a final stable release. That is why I will call this a public beta and I would love for you to post any bug findings in this topic.
There is a lot of tracking, logging and asserts still enabled in this version. If you encounter any bugs, make sure you check the browser console for any reported errors.
You can still access the original flash version if you like.
Fredrik thank you for still develop this, one question: how to open in old patternarium previous chart pages now ? Unfortunately, fun coincidence, couple days ago i decided make again run through all the charts for collect some patches, so, for switch to previous i could just enter another number in end of address (like https://soniccharge.com/patternarium#/25), but now old address looks as https://soniccharge.com/patternarium.legacy, and how to do it now ? Where need enter numbers now i mean.
The new version looks not bad too, i tried just now, but i would like to finish the work through the old version. If it possible.
Should work if you just add ".legacy" after patternarium.
But yes, direct URLs, ascendant, and descendant links will take you back to the new version again.
Oh good, thanks, it suited for me (i not use asc\desc links usually anyway).
About possible request (taked from practice of exploring\saving patches inside selected generation) to the new engine : add some meter (or enumerator) which would be indicate the end of viewed collection (within viewed generation respectively), to know how much is left to see until the end, and for avoid repeating view cycle. This indicator can also be hidden optionally, if it matters psychologically within the current generation (during the voting period).
Switch filter mode to "unvoted" and it will not cycle the population. You can also see the number of unvoted patterns in the filter mode popup menu.
Fredrik, no no, i mean - just as enhancement for general viewing\saving patches, it's not relate to voting.
For avoid the cycle of viewing exactly i mean.
Oh cool! I literally logged in just now to make a feature request for it, but probably too late and a long shot :)
I was thinking how cool it would be if it was Ableton Link enabled, so if someone were working on a song in their DAW, with the DAW running in the background, they could go to the Patternarium page and browse patterns that would sync with play/start and tempo of their song. But I guess being able to edit the BPM in Patternarium would have to come first before a feature like this.
But anyways, I thought it seemed a bit different :)
I'm using 2.0.0
Firefox 65.0.1 64bit - adblock on
Mac 10.12.5
I'm logged in.
After about 5 patterns of me liking and disliking i get to https://soniccharge.com/patternarium#/26/Michthyoma-Replacunos
after i hit thumbs down or thumbs up it has stopped and won't skip to the next pattern.
BrowserConsole Patternarium 10:4:19.pdf(30.6kB, 1957 downloads)
Also, when i use the arrows to go back a pattern it won't skip to the next pattern after i vote up or down.
Attached the Console errors, sorry if it's no help i don't know what i'm looking at.
Also is it weird how excited i get when a new Gen comes out :)
The left arrow has disappeared but comes back again if i hit the right arrow.
Hey Sam.
In filtered mode (unvoted or favorite) there is actually a start and end of the population, that's why the left or right arrow can disappear in these filter modes.
If you change your vote, it will not step to the next pattern automatically. I honestly do not remember why I made this decision. I think I'll go back to auto-forward on all votes to make it less confusing.
Regarding your problems. I'm not sure why it's not working for you. I just tested Firefox 66.0.3, and I did not bump into any issues. Firefox has both a Browser Console and a Web Console, if this happens again, can you please pull up the Web Console (Ctrl+Shift+K on Windows), and see if you can find any error message to why it is stuck. There might be loads of log messages there, you can filter away the "debug" ones, or just copy it all, save it to a file and upload as an attachment here.
Any chance we could see that kind of randomizer algo as a plugin so we can make our Patternarium in our DAWs ?
Thanks for this guys ! :)
I found a typo - speed is in "BMP" not "BPM"
- AndyR wrote:
I found a typo - speed is in "BMP" not "BPM"
Thank you! 😳
I feel like I'm voting (or selecting) twice. I have to hit thumbs up, and also add to my favorites to download it later.
Also, given the option of thumbs up AND favorites, it would seem I'd also favor a way to filter by thumbs up only... so I can go back at a later time to only those I gave thumbs up, to add them to favorites for a download file.
Finally... as of yet I'm unable to assign my Internet Download Manager to capture downloading individual presets by pressing the download button. It captures "default.html" if I attempt to manually capture it, or downloads them via the Chrome downloader only otherwise (I normally use Edge). I prefer my download manager, as I use it to direct specific presets to different folders depending on how I want to categorize each preset. Haven't been able to set up a similar process with this so far.
Could be I just need to come up with a little different work flow for this version... or get my download manager to work with this version the way it should.
Okay... managed to set up Internet Download Manager to automatically pick up mtpreset extension for download. Not sure why it wouldn't pick it up with manual intercept key... a timing thing maybe. So problem solved as far as a comparable process for downloading presets to the old version.
Visually, improvement over the old version. I don't care for Chrome all that much, so not being able to use Edge right now is not my favorite thing.
I got one error whilst playing patterns. Red error message on screen 'An error occured while voting'
Console error linked to patternarium.js line 1255
However, I have not been able to reproduce since reloading.
This is really impressive work. The web really has come a long way to make something like this possible.
Occasionally I experience freezing during the playback animation. When playing the pattern again the interface goes dark.
Browser and OS versions? Do you get any error messages in the javascript console?
Firefox and Windows 10. Not sure exacty what you'd need from console, but I filtered out just the errors:
XML Parsing Error: no element found
Location: https://rum-collector-2.pingdom.net/img/beacon.gif?id=53203c82abe53deb72c304da&sAW=1920&sAH=1040&bIW=1920&bIH=916&pD=24&dPR=1&or=landscape-primary&nT=0&rC=0&nS=0&cS=11&cE=11&dLE=11&dLS=10&fS=1&hS=0&rE=-1&rS=-1&reS=11&resS=141&resE=143&uEE=146&uES=145&dL=145&dI=1165&dCLES=1185&dCLEE=1230&dC=1455&lES=1455&lEE=1456&s=nt&title=Sonic%20Charge%20-%20Patternarium&path=https%3A%2F%2Fsoniccharge.com%2Fpatternarium&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fsoniccharge.com%2Flogin%3Fcont%3D%252Fpatternarium&sId=n4pst8xd&sST=1562111275&sIS=2&rV=0&v=1.4.0
Line Number 1, Column 1: beacon.gif:1:1
NS_ERROR_FAILURE: patternarium.js:2387
Odd, the first one should be unrelated as it is pingdom.net monitoring script that collects statistics regarding page loads so we can optimize our site better.
The last line "NS_ERROR_FAILURE" apparently occurs for all errors for which a more specific error code does not apply. The line number corresponds to the animation function for the pattern player, so it makes sense that you lose visuals. I have no clue what so ever why it would stop working all of a sudden. I'll see if I can replicate the problem.
hello fredrik,
unfortunately i can not click not on thumbs up or thumbs down icon. even i can not vote if i use the arrow keys.
can you change track with the left and right arrows on the sides? or start and stop the pattern by clicking in the middle?
can you change track with the left and right arrows on the sides?
or start and stop the pattern by clicking in the middle?
Ah! You can only vote on the latest generation. It's confusing, I really need to make that crystal clear again.
Hi, i get high GPU and CPU usage while using Patternarium.
System: Dell XPS 15 9570
OS: Windows 10 Home 64 bit
Browser: Firefox 71.0 64 bit
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz (12 CPUs), ~2.2GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti with Max-Q Design
User DPI Setting: 192 DPI (200 percent)
System DPI Setting: 240 DPI (250 percent)
DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
The results vary, but i think the CPU/GPU useage is high for such a animation. Maybe add a option to disable the animation and instead simply show a full rendered image of the pattern, if possible?
Perfect pastime for being sequestered and zoning out here and there...
Here's an idea that would help me:
The favorites button, on top a thumbs up. Would be fun if upon hearting a pattern as favorite, that it appends the default name with "-fav"
That way I can search for la creme de la creme without auditioning them again.
How about that?
Hope you are well, and thanks for doing what you do!
Hello, I've returned to the SonicCharge website after several months to see what's new. I went to the Patternarium page and it looks like it's been taken down or currently in public beta. Is the project still being worked on or has it been on hold?
Attaching a screenshot of what shows in my browser (Chrome)
Patternarium fell into a never-ending beta. I should probably just remove that text as it's well tested by now. 😁
Not sure why it's not working for you. Could you please try opening the "Developer tools" inside chrome and then reload the page and see if you get any loading or script errors in the console.
Odd. Since jumping to Mac catalina 10.15, Safari 15, I get issues of non loading too. What can I do to help you help us?
How come all the patterns are in 1/16 time? I'd like to get some in 1/8T too if possible please
- Fredrik Lidström wrote:
Patternarium fell into a never-ending beta. I should probably just remove that text as it's well tested by now. 😁
Not sure why it's not working for you. Could you please try opening the "Developer tools" inside chrome and then reload the page and see if you get any loading or script errors in the console.
Sure, here's the result.
I'm having the problem with Chrome, but It works fine in Safari
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