Microtonic: update of CC mapped knobs when changing programs

Softcore224 views1 post
  • Softcore


    I am using Microtonic v3 in Windows 7 64bit, host Ableton Live latest version and a Behringer BCR2000 midi controller.
    (in case you are not familiar with this controller, it features 32 knobs with led rings so that values of the knobs are indicated through the leds and can be updated to always show the value of assigned parameter - just like what motorised faders do on more expensive controllers)

    I have mapped each Mtonic drum slot's OSC decay, Noise decay and OSC freq to knobs in my controller. Obviously you can do this in two ways: either as adding the afforenmentioned parameters to Live's automatable parameters and then map the controller to those OR use direct MIDI CC communication from my controller to Microtonic - I have tried both methods, both work correctly.

    However, I am facing this problem: no matter which method of the above I choose, I cannot make the parameters above UPDATE in my controller whenever I use "morph" or change programs via a Midi Program Message - the programs do change but the knobs in my controller do not update to show the new settings. Keep in mind, that when using mouse on one of the parameters, the mapped knob in my controller updates correctly.

    I know of course, that bi-directional Midi CC communication in Live is a bit picky, meaning it won't send updated Midi CCs unless you physically alter those Midi CCs either by mouse or Gui. For example if I change a program using either the preset arrow keys on Mtonic GUI or via the selector of 16 presets, then my controller's knobs do update to show new settings....I was wondering if there is a workaround to make it work when using Midi program change (or send midi notes to the 16 presets selector).

    Keep in mind I did try to set up a midi track to receive midi transmitted from Microtonic and send it back to my controller - again the controls on my controller were not updated - I could only receive midi generated from the patterns (when enabled) but not parameter changes.

    Any ideas/workarounds?

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