microtonic - midi implementation question

R_C406 views12 posts
  • R_C

    I'm trying to set up a live rig for microtonic, but am struggling with some of the midi implementation.

    Can someone please let me know;

    • How I can replicate the sequencer matrix via midi (ie, 16 beats x 8 sounds plus fill/accent variants)
    • How to 'solo' via midi


  • Magnus Lidström

    Use "Pitched MIDI Mode" and then MIDI channel 1 to 8 for the different drum channels. Use these controls to assign the first CC value for each lane:

    Solo is trickier. Microtonic doesn't really have a solo function so there is no CC for it. Instead you need to mute everything except the channel you wish to solo. If this is possible at all depends on how flexible your MIDI controller hardware solution is.

  • R_C

    Thanks Magnus

  • Jan Vandeweyer

    this seems only possible in the VST2 version, is that correct?
    I know you thought about adding the moving sequencer led to midi parameterMagnus, but you did not because you said that you thought that no-one would use it. I would love to see that integrated.
    I learned every parameter from all 8 sounds to my BCR2000 controller and the sequencer led would be the finishing touch to use it on a controller.

  • R_C

    I would love to see that integrated too!
    JV, very keen to hear about your use of bcr2000 with this - my choice of controller for this too.
    What daw/software are you using?

  • Jan Vandeweyer

    I am using Reaper 7. Even did the midi feedback configuration so everytime you load a preset for example, the knobs on the BCR get updated with the correct parameters.

  • R_C

    I’d love to see a video if you ever post one of it in action

  • Jan Vandeweyer

    And I would love to make a video about it :) No problem. Are you using Reaper yourself?
    I did all the configuration with the demoversion so I need to check if my template will work 100% with the full version, but I think there will be no differences. Are there certain things you want to see in the video? You need the VST2 version because Magnus did not implement the sequencer midi implementation in the VST3.

  • R_C

    I’m on nuendo.
    Nothing specific I’d like to see other than how you chose to lay it out. I’ve seen a couple and haven’t quite nailed the ideal setup

  • Jan Vandeweyer

    So it is about the layout? Understandable. I configured it in pitch mode. The 8 sounds are spread over 8 BCR presets. But BCR is also doing note numbers, so you can play the 8 sounds on every preset. The 16 buttons under the first encoder row are always configured for the sequencersteps for that sound.

  • R_C


  • Jan Vandeweyer


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