OUt of the box , in pitch mode each drum channel receives on resp , channel 1-->8
Is there a possibility to use the same midi channel for multiple drum channels ?
Also in non pitched mode , it would be handy for multiple channels to receive from the same midi note number , what would be even better is user assignable midi note numbers
- gentleclockdivider gentleclockdivider wrote:
OUt of the box , in pitch mode each drum channel receives on resp , channel 1-->8
Is there a possibility to use the same midi channel for multiple drum channels ?
No, sorry, not in pitched mode. The MIDI channels are fixed.
Also in non pitched mode , it would be handy for multiple channels to receive from the same midi note number , what would be even better is user assignable midi note numbers
This is possible. Choose Edit MIDI CC / Keys and select any midi note you wish for any drum channel. You can use the same midi note for several drum channels as well to layer them.
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