Can you add midi CC controllers map feature to macro controls ?
I would like the ability to record macro control tweaks in a midi clip.
Unfortunately this is not possible due to limitations with the scripting architecture. The scripting engine only runs when the UI window is open and they cannot perform realtime processing of midi or audio data.
Although not a perfect solution, you can of course create a morph using MacroTweak and automate the morph parameter.
that could be a workaround but It will be added to all the previous morph parameters this way ?
Or I have to reset the morph parameters before assign the macrotweak.
With this new scripting ability, could you make 2 scripts to clear the morph parameters for each drums and globally.
You explained me some months ago I can do it by moving the morph slider and saving the preset but it is not very user friendly.
Resetting the morph is as simple as copying the preset (or drum patch), moving the morph slider over fully to the left or right and pasting it. I am not sure which explanation I gave you that involved saving the preset?
This was this explanation but I would prefer a script would can d this in just one clic.
Here is a script, which I made in the past, that will copy Morph from left to right.
Copy Morph.pika(0.67kB, 859 downloads)
Thanks Tom.
- Tom Mosler wrote:
Here is a script, which I made in the past, that will copy Morph from left to right.
Copy Morph.pika(0.67kB, 859 downloads)
Thanks man, I was needing this!!! :))))
I was literally coming in to suggest the same thing . Macro Edit for example is a lot of fun in real time . Hope a work around the limitation can be found one day . Cheers
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