Microtinc midi out doesn't work in renoise

gentleclockdivider gentleclockdivider122 views3 posts
  • gentleclockdivider gentleclockdivider

    For some reason , microtonic refuses to send midi out to other plugins in my host renoise
    Other plugins work normally , and so does microtonic in other hosts , so I suspect it must be a combination of tonic + renoise
    I tried different midi send channels , no luck , both to internal plugins and to hardware .
    The way to set it up is to select the destination plugin ( see screenshot )

    I alos posted the bug on the renoise forum ,but haven't received an answer yet

  • Magnus Lidström

    Odd. As you say this definitely works in most if not all other hosts. There aren't that many different ways you can send midi notes with the VST API. Maybe a silly request, but could you double-check your midi-config settings to be on the safe side? In particular this switch:

  • gentleclockdivider gentleclockdivider

    Yes , everything is turned on .
    Funny thing is that microtonic is the only one that doesn't work in renoise and I suspect is has to do with the midi channels that needs to be enabled .
    You can download the demo version of renoise , this feature is also enabled in the demo
    Still waiting for a reply from taktik ( renoise develoepr )

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