Randomize button hacks for Permut8 and Echobode 2020 (outdated)

Magnus Lidström1 241 views14 posts
  • Magnus Lidström

    Many years ago we made a couple of hacks that add randomize buttons to Permut8 and Echobode. With the updates that we launched this month these old hacks stopped working. Here are the updated versions of them:

    RandomButton-kit 2020.zip(281kB, 1234 downloads)


    To install the buttons place the Permut8 Resources v1.2 and Echobode V1.1 Resources folders in the same directory as the plugin file.

    On Mac this would be:

    /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Sonic Charge (for VST)
    /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components (for AU)

    On Windows it depends on where you choose to install the VSTs during installation but it would typically be something like:

    C:\Program Files\VSTPlugIns\Sonic Charge

    After installation the buttons should show up like this:

  • Bart

    Done, thanks Magnus!

  • Steve Lampert


  • Error Eyes

    This is amazing. I can't wait for this to be available for automation.

  • Matthew Miller

    I use this all the time, is automation for this possible or in the works? even if its buggy! I would pay the price of Permu8 again just to have this automatable. The possibilities are insane. You could map it to lfos inside of max for live and have tempo sync'd randomisation in real time for percussion for example. Crazy inspiring, At the moment I'm doing this by hand and clicking like crazy and resampling. Would be amazing to be able to automate this. : ) Please make my Christmas dreams come true! I would honestly send you guys money for this :)

  • C.A.P.

    love it, works flawless !

  • JBDS1

    WE Want this also for the Microtonic Pattern Random and for full sequence, or at least a Pin to keep the window open with those functions .. It's frustrating to reopen the window and press random or other functions, I know we can use Shift to redo our last task but still, for open window will be better a PIN, I guess in all the products.. thank you ... Just make the products better for this ERA pls thank you

  • Martin Walker

    Wow - glad I discovered this thread!

    Just installed, and already got lots of stunning presets.


  • Kevin Cromley

    I haven't gotten this to work on echobode or permut8. I'm on mac.

  • Fredrik Lidström

    On Mac, make sure the folders are copied to the same folder where the plug-in is located.

    For VST:

    /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Sonic Charge

    Screen Shot 2022-09-10 at 23.40.51.png

    For AU:


    Screen Shot 2022-09-10 at 23.40.39.png
  • Peter Tinsley

    Is it possible to make a randomize hack button for microtonic please?

  • Daniel Catron

    It looks like, with the 2022.11.25 updates, the randomize button hack no longer works. At least on macOS 11.7.1 on Ableton Live 11.2.6. I did try reinstalling the patch but it didn't correct the problem.

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Nah, the hack breaks whenever we make any changes to the GUI. https://soniccharge.com/forum/topic/2187

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