pika files missing in microtonic

olivier dahan117 views5 posts
  • olivier dahan

    after installing the latest version and the scripts I can see entries (right top button) but some are displaying an error box telling the pika file is missing. I looked into the scripts folder and it seems all the presets having a subfolder (and displaying something new) don't have any pika file.
    Other scripts are working (all scripts that don't have any visual feedback like 'reverse').
    Is there someting missing in the last script installer ?

  • Magnus Lidström

    This is exactly what would happen if you are not using version 3.3. Please double-check that the update worked. Click the logo to open the about box to see the version number.

  • olivier dahan

    Thanks of lot
    In the windows add/remove software it was clearly 3.3, but in my DAW it was still 3.2.
    It is an installer problem.
    The installer put the dll in the wrong directory letting the old one at the right place so the DAW was not seeing the update.
    Problem of the installer : it kept the right folder tree but it put it in drive C:\ (recreating the folder tree) instead of drive D: (where the right folder tree is located).
    Good to know..

    thanks again.

  • Magnus Lidström

    - olivier dahan wrote:
    Problem of the installer : it kept the right folder tree but it put it in drive C:\ (recreating the folder tree) instead of drive D: (where the right folder tree is located).

    Strange. I just tested under Windows 10 and I could install on the D-drive without any trouble by changing C:\ to D:\ on this screen:

    Is this what you did?

  • olivier dahan

    Yes that's what I did... I have a specific folder for VST on my D drive and I can't select any similar name on C. So no risk to make a mistake.
    Of course nothing is perfect, human first, it is then possible I made a mistake (changing the D into C) but as I don't drink alcool nor smoke any strange herbs it seems there are very low chances I did such a change :-)
    On another hand I've already seen some installers detecting the right folder tree but by default using the C Drive instead of the original one. Could it be the same problem ?

    Well it is very hard to give a true debug report as I did the action only once and I did not record the screen.
    So I'll try to better track things on the next update !
    Thanks for your kind help.

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