Controlling µtonic's sequencer with midi

Muffin633 views7 posts
  • Muffin

    I come back to this every year or so, give it my best shot, and then give up. I want to be able to program steps from an external controller. I can get as far as setting up the step lane to be cc's 0-15, and achieve control that way, but when i try to have microtonic's midi output control led feedback on my controller so i know which steps are on or off it's very unpredictable. I can't get it to properly update when changing patterns or loading presets. Maybe i'm doing something wrong.

    I'm using ableton live as a host.

    Anyway, i'm here to beg you to expose the step sequencer parameters to live's automation to make it simple for the user. And while i'm begging, please include sequence length as an automatable parameter too.

    µtonic is my favorite drum machine ever, i've used it pretty much every week for at least 15 years. I'm dying to be able to unlock more of it's potential.

  • aaron alden

    Second vote for that. Also try this every 2 years or so and give up.

  • Muffin

    Still dreaming!

  • Muffin

    I can't believe there isn't more interest in this. giving it the ol' yearly bump.

  • Ali Z

    I agree this would be cool especially for live performances. I guess for now your best bet for using an external controller to control the sequencer would be to use the PO-32.

  • Jan Vandeweyer

    ? You are able to do that for years as far as I know, just not with VST3 version

  • Jan Vandeweyer

    I said before, I have no problems with that, maybe the video is clearing something up for you:

    YouTube Video

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