C’mon man! μtonic on iPad / AU3 already! 😉

Funkspace1 451 views17 posts
  • Funkspace

    iPadOS is really getting to be an awesome always-ready ultra portable music creativity platform.

    It really deserves to have the world’s best electronic beatbox by now.

    I have Microtonic as a VST, have had it since the original version back in the day, but I’m really liking the environment and empowering nature of a platform more portable than a laptop, it inspires more compact compositions and helps to focus on smaller ‘projects’ and ideas (even though large ones are obviously possible).

  • Sjoerd van Geffen

    - Funkspace wrote:
    iPadOS is really getting to be an awesome always-ready ultra portable music creativity platform.
    It really deserves to have the world’s best electronic beatbox by now.

    "Getting to be", you say? Hah, I guess you weren't around when we had to render audio files because computers were too slow to run virtual instruments in real time. And it's over 10 years ago that I nudged another brilliant Swedish plug-in developer to port his 303/606/808/909 emulation onto the iOS platform.

    So yeah, +1 for sure.

    But maybe just get a PO-32 Tonic in the mean time? ;-)

  • Funkspace

    - Sjoerd van Geffen wrote:
    "Getting to be", you say? Hah, I guess you weren't around when we had to render audio files because computers were too slow to run virtual instruments in real time.

    I didn’t want to sound like an Apple fanboy so I toned it down 😜. But, yeah it’s an awesome and fun platform.

  • Yohan Lasorsa

    A huge +1 for an iPad version, that would be the perfect companion to my PO-32/PO-35 :)

    Given the flexibility of the Microtonic engine and how nice the new skins look, an iPad version would be a big success without any doubt! There's plenty of drum machines on iOS, but none with a good synth engine. And none that could sync with PO hardware devices.

    I would even double dip for android/iphone version for only editing PO-32/PO-35 patches, even without the full microtonic capabilities, and I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one given the sucess of these little synths.

  • CQ Querius

    Fully agree!
    Would be marvelous to have a microtonic version on iPad,
    A “ toned down” version to edit sounds and patterns for the PO-32, PO-35 and PO-137 instead of the full blown microtonic , at an affordable price would be fabulous for the many users of those Pocket Operators , and would sell a lot of those surely too..😁

  • elxsound

    Here’s another vote for an iOS version. I’ve been working away from the PC (mac) more often and I keep wishing for a more portable way to swap out sound on the operators (besides saving the recording of the data transfer).

    I also just bought my nephew a PO-137. I’m hoping this will be his gateway in. He’s not ready for a PC version of the plug-in, but an iOS version would definitely be of use.

    If he gets past the Rick & and Morty sounds, I’ll be getting him a PO-133 and the PO-32. I might want another PO-32 for me too.

  • Mic Healey

    Hello Magnus & Bro. I think you will sell A LOT more copies of MicroTonic --IF-- you will compile a stand alone version for Windows. Seriously, many PO users are NOT at all familiar with DAWs or VST. They want to buy MicroTonic for ONE REASON: to get new sounds in and out of the PO-32 and PO-35. The easier you can make it for them, the MORE copies of MicroTonic you guys will sell! I would suggest a "Special Version" for Winblows for Pocket Operator owners of PO-32 and PO-35. It should be simply a straight forward application that unzips in its own directory and runs in Windoz. I am SURE, this will be an income generator supreme for Soniccharge. As it is, having to download and figure out how to use VSThost and where and how it will somehow give access to MicroTonic is really rather unclear, confusing, and basically inhibits sales, IMHO. Your site has NO CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS. Please kindly consider my comments as it will definitely generate additional income for your fine company. Thank you for reading.

  • Bichuelo Audiotecna

    - Yohan Lasorsa wrote:
    A huge +1 for an iPad version, that would be the perfect companion to my PO-32/PO-35 :)
    Given the flexibility of the Microtonic engine and how nice the new skins look, an iPad version would be a big success without any doubt! There's plenty of drum machines on iOS, but none with a good synth engine. And none that could sync with PO hardware devices.
    I would even double dip for android/iphone version for only editing PO-32/PO-35 patches, even without the full microtonic capabilities, and I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one given the sucess of these little synths.

    This is a fantastic idea!
    A simple version only for editing/transfering kits/synchronization and a full version (maybe an IAP) which unleashes the potential of the desktop version

  • CQ Querius

    Sadly i do not think this is going to happen, i doubt even if this post is being read by soniccharge or anybody else who could take care of this..

  • Sveinbjörn Pálsson

    - Mic Healey wrote:
    Hello Magnus & Bro. I think you will sell A LOT more copies of MicroTonic --IF-- you will compile a stand alone version for Windows.

    This sounds like a no-brainer, its only a wrapper anyways.

    You (or someone) should make this into its own post. So its seen. I’m sure they scroll through all the posts, but they may well miss a sub-comment.

  • Sveinbjörn Pálsson

    And +1 for ipad. This and other soniccharge plugs. The prices are lower there, but often you end up buying the desktop versions full-price.
    And ipad is big with nerds and tinkerers, the target market for many of these plugs.
    I suspect most of the plugs are halfway there already, if they run on m1 natively.

  • CQ Querius

    This topic is almost 2 years old, it feels like sadly it is not going to get any response from "the company"to me..

  • gentleclockdivider gentleclockdivider

    Apple takes a huge chunk of the app's revenue .
    Since sonic charge is small boutique developer creating awesome high Q. plugins , I can only respect and totally understand Magnus decision to not develop for the platform.

  • Coolout

    I've been thinking of grabbing a small windows tablet just to run Microtonic. Probably would be better than going the TE PO route in a lot of ways.

  • craig mccullough

    I came here just to see if this has been discussed and maybe on the cards, it seems like an obvious place for MT to dominate!

    I got the original probably 20 years ago, and especially more recently we have become so spoiled for choice in music tech that it's easy to forget what you already have. I saw mention of MT somewhere recently and I didn't even have it installed on this macbook I've had for years, so I came straight here and all the new preset/etc content has brought it into the 2020s!

    To be brutally frank, I think the factory content used to be sonically too similar across all of it, and it always left me feeling MT only has a particular sound for certain contexts and overlooked it for a lot of others, and that's mainly why it slipped my mind for so long. But now it feels totally different. The skinning helps too, nice facelift, change is as good as a holiday.

    But I'm starting to lean more towards treating my iPad Pro 12.9 as my main sound design palette, and desktop more for arranging and mixing. Having its own sequencer (and a good one) suits the iOS non-linear & modular way of working, and hosts like AUM really encourage experimenting with different kinds of FX & MIDI sequencers by routing everything into everything else

    When Moog released Mariana recently, I had a kind of epiphany when I bought it on iPad for $15 US and it sounded as Moogy as any Moog, and the $49 'intro price' for desktop was just past my point of justifiable when I have it on the iPad now, I've recently gone through the same process with Korg, Sugar Bytes, probably most of my fav devs who do both iOS and Desktop. I realised I just can't justify buying plugins on desktop any more, when I can use IDAM for 2 way MIDI and digital audio 1 way from iPad to Mac to use the iPad as my main sound module.

    The main drawback is 1-way audio makes it less viable for use as an FX module, which is certainly disappointing with amazing FX plugins like the Sugar Bytes stuff. But even Sonobus does surprisingly well at facilitating that.

    So, I'm not exactly a lost potential customer given I already shelled out for it so long ago now (and thank you for not having updated to a paid upgrade in the mean time so I could still download it!). At the same time, I can't imagine I'm alone in coming to this kind of realisation, at a point where I'm so saturated with amazing tools I will probably be able to get on fine with negligible outlay for a long time now.

    Also worth considering is Apple's recent release of Logic on iPad, while Apple Silicon is up to the M3 in the main, pushing us further towards full cross-platform compatibility.

    I already thought as part of my epiphany that I noticed I have been feeling repeatedly surprised out how much the desktop/mobile price disparity still persists in light of these changes (including the fact my iPad screen is only 0.1" smaller than my Macbook Air), so that sentiment may not have spread just yet. But Apple/Logic has thrown down the gauntlet and likely made far bigger numbers of people start paying attention to the iPad as a viable platform than the small niche occupying the space to date.

    TL;DR version: the reasons to seriously consider this are growing rapidly, and I'd be very excited to hear it was on the cards.

  • Sveinbjörn Pálsson

    - craig mccullough wrote:
    When Moog released Mariana recently, I had a kind of epiphany when I bought it on iPad for $15 US and it sounded as Moogy as any Moog, and the $49 'intro price' for desktop was just past my point of justifiable when I have it on the iPad now, I've recently gone through the same process with Korg, Sugar Bytes, probably most of my fav devs who do both iOS and Desktop. I realised I just can't justify buying plugins on desktop any more, when I can use IDAM for 2 way MIDI and digital audio 1 way from iPad to Mac to use the iPad as my main sound module.

    I tried a few times, idam + my audio interface is just too much hassle, idam isn’t as plug n play as it could be, so I bought the desktop version of Marianna soon after getting the ipad version. I’ve bought a few desktop plugs that way.

  • Ulf Lindqvist

    +1 for iOS ports of MicroTonic (and SynPlant2!) releases although I read somewhere M saying it will never happen. He did not state why though.

    Well, people do change opinion so one can only hope.

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