Microtonic not working

Thomas Clarke208 views2 posts
  • Thomas Clarke


    I recently downloaded the free trial of microtonic for Mac. I am using it in Ableton. I apologise if i am missing something obvious, I'm still quite new to using VSTs but I am only getting sound from one drum part (part 1) when i trigger it by clicking the drum part or inserting it into the sequencer I get a kick sound but for all other drum parts I dont get any sound. There is no midi signal coming up either. As far as I can see the parts should be making sounds when triggered. Do i need to do something to enable the other drum parts? Thank you for your help with this.

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Did you by any chance use the Multi-out version of Microtonic? If so you will need to make sure all audio output is routed in Ableton since each drum will have its own audio output. The easiest solution, if you do not need multiple outputs, is to use the standard version of Microtonic instead where all drum channels play on the same stereo output.

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