Bug?? Sound Morph does not transfer to PO32

Anthony Berg141 views5 posts
  • Anthony Berg

    Not sure if this is a technical limitation, a bug, if I'm doing something wrong, or if the feature simply does not exist yet.

    I created a '809' patch on Microtonic v3.3.2 (Windows 10) that morphs from preset 'VT-808 Beats' (Left) to 'VT-909 Beats' (Right), everything works as expected in Microtonic, but when I transfer the patch to the PO32, only the 808(left) state seems to transfer, the 909(right) side does not.

    Any idea what I may be doing wrong here?

  • Luis Bicho

    It is happening to me too, i will try to transfer again? Did you notice that when you transfer the Script says that it is changing that for more compatibility with the pocket operator? Maybe is that operation that is changing that...

  • Magnus Lidström

    This sounds strange. The morph should always be transferred with the patches. The message about "correction" that sometimes pops up has to do with slight differences in the morph implementation in the VST and on the PO-32, but it should never destroy the entire morph configuration.

    Could you maybe record a little video of your experience so I can take a look?

  • Luis Bicho

    ok, I will do it, I test it with a file with the same morph first, I will try again by creating an FM morphing A>B and try to record it to send to you and see if it operates well. give me a few minutes.
    I have another question and if you can help me on this Magnus, it would be appreciated so it goes like this, I have a Modal Craft 2.0 and connect it to the operator via sync all went fine until I realize that Craft 2.0 have to be the primary because I can´t get the PO-32 to sync primary, in this case, Sync Out(craft) > Jam > out on PO-32 (SY02). Can I make PO-32 the master?

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