Permut8 Crashes logic 10.7.1 on Monterey M1 Mac

Naomi Watson220 views7 posts
  • Naomi Watson

    Have tried using Rosetta and Native. Have re-downloaded the installer (is Permut8 an update or just extra banks?) but no luck. Same for Microtonic. Validates ok but crashes logic the second i open an instance of it. Anything else I can try please?

    Screenshot 2021-12-20 at 15.22.41.png
  • Naomi Watson

    feel a bit lonely here, is anyone still there? have used sonic charge stuff since microtonic came out, is this the end:(..

  • Fredrik Lidström

    We are currently running a closed beta on a native ARM version, so it's definitely not the end. If you're brave and want to participate in beta testing, you can always make an application at

    That being said, the reason why we waited so long with an ARM release, is because in all our testing our products worked very well with Rosetta. Did you make sure you downloaded the latest multi-installer (version 2020.09.29)? You should not download individual product installers, we've stopped releasing those, so they are definitely outdated.

  • Manuel Senfft

    - Fredrik Lidström wrote:
    If you're brave and want to participate in beta testing, you can always make an application at

    Hey Fredrik: just wondering, if you tell people / applicants also if they are not in the beta program? Thanks for your answer! (=

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Nope. But you do get a notification if you're accepted. 😛  

    At the moment I'm holding off new invites until we can get a beta 2 up, which I thought would've been over the weekend, but what do I know?!

  • Manuel Senfft

    Ah I see. Thanks for the infos! (=

  • Naomi Watson

    This is wonderful news Fredrik, thank you! And yes, I was trying to use individual installers with no luck. Rosetta is fine for now so am looking forward to downloading the multi-installer. Thanks so much! So happy I can still use these fun, invaluable tools well into the future!

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