Multi out only opens Micr-3-4

thorsten puttenat251 views10 posts
  • thorsten puttenat

    Hi there.

    I have a problem I didn't have before: Opening Microtonic in Multi-mode only gives me one more channel: Micr-3-4. Before today I could open up all 8 channels for each sound. Very strange.

    My specs: Logic Pro X 10.7.1 on Big Sur 11.6.8, Microtonic 3.3.3

    I'd appreciate any help, thanks in advance! :)

  • Benson Fables

    Hmm, of course this is what you get with the non-multi version, so just to double check you're not using that despite you clearly stating otherwise. Unfortunately, my specs are not similar to yours, Win 10, Reason, MT 3.3.3 and all is fine here. Could it be a Logic Pro X thing?

  • thorsten puttenat

    Having this problem again and still no solution. The multi version only offers me "2x Stereo" in Logic. Strange stuff.

  • thorsten puttenat

    I really need to solve this. Anyone? :)

  • JBDS1

    Did you hit the Plus ( + ) button 7 times in the mixer tab, to create the channels ?

  • thorsten puttenat

    Thanks for jumping in, JBDS1 :)

    That's exactly the problem: It only opens up just ONE more channel when clicking the +.
    Microtonic is the only plugin behaving like this.

  • JBDS1

    That's Strange, I think you should Reset plugins cache like this ... it will delete cache and rescan plugins when reopen ... do it on your own risk .. i m not responsible for any data lose ,, but this fix everything in logic .. if you can backup data first ...

  • JBDS1

    or you can try just the rescan first ..

    YouTube Video
  • thorsten puttenat

    I still have this problem and would really love to solve it. (Thanks though, JBDS1. I did rescan Microtonic a few times already)

    Bildschirmfoto 2023-03-22 um 18.02.53.png
  • Julio Queiroz

    - thorsten puttenat wrote:
    I still have this problem and would really love to solve it. (Thanks though, JBDS1. I did rescan Microtonic a few times already)

    Hello ! In Logic Pro X you need to go to Instrument -> AU Instruments -> Sonic Charge -> Microtonic Multi -> Multi-Output (8xStereo)

    Screen Shot 2023-03-24 at 17.11.24.png


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