Scripting Documentation

Rick Burnett152 views4 posts
  • Rick Burnett

    First, amazing work on BeatSpace, so much fun to use!

    Second, I wanted to modify a copy of EuclideanBeat to add randomization functions (and the ability to turn random on/off for different items)

    I copied the mtscript directory and started to dig in. I looked for some documentation, but maybe I missed it, I cannot seem to find any.

    I am not sure what the IVG files are. Look like some sort of vector graphics controls, but didn't look standard.

    Same thing with cushy, not sure what that is either, looks like some sort of CSS wrapper.

    At least JS I know what that is. :)

    Anything to get me started on modifying this script to add check buttons, some text, and some callbacks to set settings in the GUI?

  • Rick Burnett

    Screen Shot 2022-12-29 at 7.42.01 PM.png

    Okay, I figured it out. It was definitely not super easy, but with a little work I created a button and have that triggering some code that randomizes the trigger and accents based on the step length. I use whatever the trigger random is as the start for accents since accents cannot go higher than triggers. Works really well! I'll create another post if people want to play with it.
  • toitoy

    I guess this is what you are looking for
    Thank you for the script, mate

  • Rick Burnett

    The PikaScript stuff looks like for the one off scripts that just run. This new GUI based stuff is JavaScript and a few other things. Looks like some sort of vector graphics support and GUI support that is similar to CSS but maybe it's just a javascript derivate.

    And sure! Was fun to do. I'd like to expand on it but I need to understand the language a bit more in how it is constructed. (I'd like to add FILL, and the ability to maybe do all lanes at a time as well)

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