Added Random to Euclidean Script

Rick Burnett457 views10 posts
  • Rick Burnett

    Screen Shot 2022-12-29 at 7.42.01 PM.png

    This afternoon I set out to hack a copy of the Euclidean script to add a random button, as I love using random to generate interesting patterns. The environment is pretty neat for the scripts, but I could not find any documentation on how the different file types work (cushy, etc) so I did a lot of trial and error till I got it working.

    When you hit [R] it will randomize the triggers to a value between 0 and 16. Then, whatever value that is, that is the random range (0 to that number) for the accents. I do not touch the rotation values.

    I just dropped in the same scripts folder as the other scripts., 420 downloads)

  • JBDS1

    Hi Thank you for this.. is it really useful ! It will be great if you could add velocity random, chance random, ( and lent random, I don't know if this works) :) I also uploaded a new skin :) ( see last page of skins post )
    You please tell me how did you manage to make this script because I was trying to make a script that choose random patches, but it doesn't work so well ... Sometimes doesn't recognise the patches, sometimes it recognise them only if I bring the folder with the patches in the main directory .. I will upload it again here maybe you can check it out and fix it.. Only if you want of course... Thank you

    Screenshot 2022-12-30 at 18.48.29.png

    Screenshot 2022-12-30 at 18.48.01.png

    Pick New, 399 downloads)
  • JBDS1

    You have to create a folder in a patches directory and Rename it as in the picture ( 'G01/' )... or change the name in the script with your folder name, but it has to be in the Microtonic Drum patches folder ...

    Drum patch.png
  • Rick Burnett

    I am gonna add some more features for the random, but it is DEFINITELY not easy to code without any references. I'd love to add all eight rings into one visual, but that is likely WAY too much to figure out right now. Hoping some documentation comes out at some point because this is SO cool of a feature to have in utonic.

  • JBDS1


    Hy .. it will be great if it will look like this, with Note random, Lenth random, Velocity random, Chance random, with difference sequencer lenth on each ch ... yep .. just an idea of how i see it :))
    Fredrik Lidström do you help as to make this posible ? :)
  • thorsten puttenat

    Wow and wow! You two make me mouth watering. I love Euclidean beats!

  • Enimem

    @JBDS1 -> Oh yes ! Having them all on one interface with all the randomization possibilities, that would be very nice to have !

    Hope this gets a real thing too !

  • JBDS1

    - Herr Spiel wrote:
    @JBDS1 -> Oh yes ! Having them all on one interface with all the randomization possibilities, that would be very nice to have !
    Hope this gets a real thing too !

    Me 2 :)

  • Magnus Lidström

    Late to the party, but I love seeing this Rick and JBDS1. It inspired me to clean up my act and finish that documentation at last:

  • JBDS1

    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    Late to the party, but I love seeing this Rick and JBDS1. It inspired me to clean up my act and finish that documentation at last:

    Glad that you love the multiple euclidean all together, but my question is can you build this for us ???

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