Issue after saving Patternarium presets

Pete Moores108 views6 posts
  • Pete Moores

    Hello all,

    Hope everyone's well. With the current round of Patternarium presets about, I was minded to think I hadn't saved any of the last round. I clip-boarded seven or eight of the new ones into Microtonic and saved them as I was going along. These, though, now appear to be the prominent presets (flicking left and right on the browser shows only these). Does anyone know how to get Microtonic back to the state where clicking the arrows on the browser goes through the vast swathes of original presets, without having to re-install? For future, would I be right in thinking it's best to save Patternarium presets to a hard drive and access them from there, rather than save them within Microtonic? Apologies for my being a dullard an' all; I generally do something wrong, or think things are going to be a lot harder to do than they actually are.

    Many thanks in advance,


  • Fredrik Lidström


    The prev / next buttons in Microtonic will cycle through all presets in the currently selected folder (which is the same folder as you last opened or saved a preset).

    It sounds like you've ended up browsing presets in your User Presets folder instead of the Factory Presets one. Try clicking the preset display and select Browse for Presets..., then change the folder by clicking the Go to Factory Presets button at the bottom, and go into one of the folders like All or By Package/Microtonic v3.

  • Pete Moores

    Hey Fredrik,

    Many thanks for getting back and so quickly; really appreciate it and the information. Will give that a go when I get back.

    Cheers again,


  • Pete Moores

    Hey Fredrik,

    Thank you for the guidance; doubt I would have come across that, otherwise. Upon loading, this morning, it defaulted to the Patternaurium presets. Would a session have to be saved with the Factory Presets loaded, for it to start up again with them showing?

    Thanks again, Fredrik,


  • Fredrik Lidström

    If you start up an old project it will try to continue in the same directory as the currently loaded preset.

    If you go into the Microtonic settings you can choose what Startup Bank you want for new Microtonic instances.

  • Pete Moores

    Thanks very much for getting back and for the information. Very much appreciated.

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