Synplant 2 Is Here

Magnus Lidström12 870 views92 posts
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  • Magnus Lidström

    The day you have all been waiting for is here at last; our most ambitious project is finally seeing the light of day: Synplant 2 is here!

    YouTube Video

    We released the first version of Synplant roughly 15 years ago, and with its unique user interface, it quickly became a favorite with many. Ever since, we have wanted to create a worthy follow-up, but the road to this update has been long and paved with abandoned experiments. When we finally solved the machine learning algorithms that made it possible to match synth parameters to a sample, we knew we had something exceptional — and finally good enough — for Synplant 2.

    We call this technology Genopatch, and it is a perfect fit for Synplant, a synthesizer that is about planting seeds that grow into your own sounds. In Synplant version 1, these seeds were either preset patches or random. Now, with Genopatch, you can take any audio recording and use it as a seed for your synth patch.

    Synplant 2 is available to download and purchase today. As always, we have a three weeks fully functional trial. You also get access to 300 additional patches and an alternative "nightshift" skin when you purchase.


    The upgrade price for all Synplant version 1 owners is $50/€50 (incl. VAT), and the full price is $149/€149 (incl. VAT). In other words, Synplant version 1 owners get the upgrade for the price difference.

    Once installed, Synplant 2 will replace Synplant version 1. Unfortunately, you cannot run them both side by side. If you open a patch or an old song created with Synplant version 1, the audio engine will run in "backwards compatibility mode" to ensure that everything sounds exactly like before. However, you will have the option to upgrade old patches to the better-sounding version 2 audio engine.

    Genopatch is the big new thing obviously, but this update is stuffed with a lot of other enhancements. Here is a brief run-down:

    • Rewritten audio engine with plenty of new parameters ("genes") and improved DSP algorithms for every part of the signal chain.
    • New DNA editor with a structured parameter layout and animating graphs of the various settings. You can automate and control all genes with MIDI CC.
    • New "bulb modes" give you alternative ways to trigger the different branches: velocities, different ranges over the keyboard, and a "layered" mode that triggers multiple branches simultaneously.
    • New performance features, such as support for mono patches, glide/portamento, and tempo sync that synchronize any rhythmic components of the sound to the host tempo.
    • Instead of growing all branches, the mod-wheel can easily be reassigned to control various standard destinations, such as filter cutoff, LFO amount, envelope time, and more.
    • Rudimentary MPE support with per-channel mod-wheel, pitch-bend, and pressure.
    • Extendible and moddable with Javascript support, skins, etc., just like Microtonic.

    We hope that you will be pleased with this new evolution of your favorite green synth.

    / Magnus & Fredrik

  • Karschnackelwackel


  • Void

    Congrats!! Been checking this forum every day haha! Having so much fun with it already!

  • Bru Franco


  • gcgcgc gcgcgc

    Huge. Congratulations!

  • NextDAW

    Congratulations on the launch. The new features are amazing and the Synplant has never looked or sounded so good.

    The price point for both new customers and existing owners upgrading from v1 is extremely generous and very competitive. I hope Synplant 2 will please many more new customers now and for many years to come.

  • Bashar's Friend

    It's crazy!!! Black magic!!! <3 LOVE IT !!!

  • SD77777

    LETS GO!

  • Garey Kennebrew


  • Brendan Donovan

    omg... I've been waiting for this day since I started making music 8 years ago. Thank you so much <3

  • Stéphane Novak

    Congratulations! And woowee! for the rest of us!

  • Patrick Hunter

    Absolutely loving the new bulb modes so far! With v1, I never made use of the ability to have potentially 12 different sounds in one because it was so jarring to have different notes in a melody be different timbres. Being able to split sounds by range or velocity lets me finally be able to take advantage of this ability! Also immediately so, so pumped about the unison bulb mode. I can tell that plus "Grow New Random Branch" is going to make for some fun times.

    The biggest con for me so far is one that stayed from v1: never liked how panning was tied in with the "effect" wet/dry. Sure, I can just slap a quick imager plugin on right after, but I shouldn't have to.

  • Magnus Lidström

    - Patrick Hunter wrote:
    The biggest con for me so far is one that stayed from v1: never liked how panning was tied in with the "effect" wet/dry. Sure, I can just slap a quick imager plugin on right after, but I shouldn't have to.

    Turn down the adj_pan gene to 0 inside the DNA editor to turn off the panning effect.

    (Or turn it up to 1 to always have full panning, regardless of the Effect slider.)

  • c0nsilience


  • Soundtemple


  • Tom Mosler


  • marc loll

    Congrats to the new RC of Synplant 2. :)
    I will update to this new Gem this morning and will enjoy I a sure.
    Btw. a a really appreciated upgrate price - thank you brother‘s. ❤️

    Last but not least, I wish you great fortune and success with your new creation - enjoy the life.


  • Magnus Walterstad

    Stort grattis!

    Well done and thank you!

  • Tom Avatars

    Wooo! Congrats!

  • Mario Bajardi

    YEs yes yes, i want try this !!! Thanks for your works....thanks also form my electronic violin

  • Andre Williams

    Congratulations! So excited it’s finally here!!

  • Christophe Le Padellec

    Congrats for the release ^^

    Now it's time for us to wring out those branches.

  • Solarstone

    First task this morning is to download my upgrade and check this baby out 😊

  • hummersallad

    I've just started playing with some of my own 25 year old samples. So happy I saved them all these years! Synplant 2 is just crazy fantastic! Amazing! Wow! Endless inspiration! Congratulations to an amazing and unique product!!

  • Eichi

    congrats!!!! amazing!! ❤️
    can't wait to check it out!!! 🐿

  • Solidtrax

    Congratulations Bros! Truly groundbreaking if you ask us! <3

  • Henrik Malmgren

    As I understand you have previously been working with Teenage Engineering, and I got the following idea from looking at the workflow : Microtonic > PO-32 tonic

    Will Synplant 2 ever be able to be part of a workflow with the OP-1-field? Like this, if you can train Synplant 2 on any synth, then why not an OP-1 Field synth? Making patches with Synplant 2 would be AMAZING and then transporting the settings to (some?) OP-1 Field synth would be EPIC.

  • Adam Jablonski

    "Extendible and moddable with Javascript support" - this is InSaNEly GooD!

  • mark ashworth

    Today is a beautiful day! I love the smell of Synplant V2 in the morning...very considerate and generous upgrade path from V1 too.

    These guys are the good guys.


    CONGRATS ON THE LAUNCH, and achieving what is exceedingly rare in a sequel — to not only technically surpass the original v1, but to empower us to revitalize the past through a cosmic garden to the future across multiple dimensions, thus redefining... "What is Synplant?"

    And for anyone who likes surprises during the creative process, you'll love this... roll the dice 🎲!

    Command-clicking the Patch Display loads a random sound in the current folder.
  • Akod

    Barely skimmed the thing... That's not every day a promising thing deliver more than expected on first experience! ❤️😊 And it looks like it will pull it off for a while...

    To those on the fence (is that possible?), do yourself a favor and try Synplant 2. Just hearing a few presets will probably tell you if you click with it.

    (BTW the manual on the website is slightly older than the one included in the installation.)

    Synplant 2 completely replace the previous version and this has gone trouble free as far as I'm concerned. Old projects open without any hitch. You are given the option to switch to the new engine or not. Just the usual attention to details...

    Tried the latest stable versions of Cubase, Bitwig and Studio One with no problems at all up to now.

    Looks like those long work hours at night certainly were not wasted...

    Thanks a whole lot!

  • utrd

    Congratulations on this great release!

    In case anyone is wondering: It works as fine as Synplant 1 (and all other Sonic Charge plugins) in Bitwig under Linux using Yabridge (since it's using the same VST3 file name, you may want to resync).

  • groooveq

    um where is the darker skin?

  • stelvia

    Thank you so much!

  • stelvia

    - groooveq wrote:
    um where is the darker skin?

    I'm also searching.

  • Andreas Müller

    - groooveq wrote:
    um where is the darker skin?

    It should be under
    A bit further down you find additional downloads

  • stelvia

    - Andreas Müller wrote:
    - groooveq wrote:
    um where is the darker skin?
    It should be under
    A bit further down you find additional downloads

    Thanks a lot Andreas, I was looking in the plugin preferences.

  • AAV

    Thank you both for a spectacular release. Outstanding and well worth the wait.

  • Richard Kubina


  • C.A.P.

    1 Question its also an Upgrade...are all old parameters untouched?

  • paul willard

    You are nothing short of a Genius! Synplant has always been my favourite synth and V2 just launched it interstella, Well done man, jaw officially dropped.

  • Jeff Fressco

    Love the new audio engine, it gives that organic analog feel, also all the extra things, like mono, glide, the modulation thingie, layering mode, ofcourse the genopatch thing. Genopatch is amazing for alternate sounds of existing sounds in your track, great for layering, great for everything. This is a worthy sequel to a legend. thank you, respect and great work as always!

  • Jeff Fressco

    Next step is copying selected branches to other presets to make a full custom (drum) kit... lol j/k would be super cool though! Man Synplant 2 is better than expected with all the things added. It's really a new beast.... yea I know I posted 2 times..

  • Tomasz Gorzelak

    Synplant 2 is... oh boy. It is a beast!! All the sound designers in one box :P ha ha :) No more hours
    spending on tweaking synths .... Incredible. Pure magic. Thank You SONIC CHARGE :)

  • Boris Ivanov

    I love it but it is so laggy, any ideas how I can fix it?

  • Fredrik Lidström

    - Akod wrote: (BTW the manual on the website is slightly older than the one included in the installation.)

    Thank you, fixed it! We went through so many rebuilds the last 24 hours before release to get everything polished, I forgot we updated the Guide. 😁

    - Akod wrote: Looks like those long work hours at night certainly were not wasted...

    Haha, yes, maybe now we can get a day off next weekend. 😛

    _- C.A.P. wrote:_> 1 Question its also an Upgrade...are all old parameters untouched?

    Yes, we put a lot of effort into backwards compatibility so that you have no reason to stay with Synplant version 1 and miss out on the evolution. 😊

    - Boris Ivanov wrote: I love it but it is so laggy, any ideas how I can fix it?

    Shouldn't be. Please post a new support thread with video showing GUI, CPU load, and running processes.

  • (Download Synplant 2 Pro Expansion Demo!)

    What a great update!

  • Neil

    Congratulations Magnus and Fredrik !
    Looks and sounds amazing!

  • teadrinker

    Wow that RC phase was fast! Congrats! :)

  • Xaver Ttellington

    excuse me if im wrong..but no presets are there after installl

  • Ondrej Marsicek

    Instant buy. Amazing

  • Sabine Sauer

    Really great update! One feature request: Would it be possible to tweak knobs with the two fingers gesture on my macbook? Like scrolling websites with two fingers. I can wipe with two fingers on the macbook to control many of my plugins, so that would make tweaking Synplant 2 much more immediately.

  • Ondrej Marsicek

    - Xaver Ttellington wrote:
    excuse me if im wrong..but no presets are there after installl

    Drop your own sample and start to mangle... This plugin is really not about presets...

  • slyooney

    Received the mail 2 hours ago… just bought it and installed it!
    Love the genopatch generator! wow 🤩
    Thanks you guys!!!

  • Aesthete


    Eno will write an album with this!!

  • Alex McKechnie

    You can tell the amount of love that went into its creation. A real work of art. I'm so impressed. You'll get the Nobel prize for this.

  • Dennis Fricke

    You even paid my 19% German VAT-Taxes ?!
    You are heroes!!!

  • JFrank

    before i get too excited (too late for that) will it run on mac os sierra 10.12.6?

  • Aurnik

    That's the most excited I've ever been opening an email.
    Congrats on the launch. Thanks for the MPE.

  • Matthew Thomas

    "Once installed, Synplant 2 will replace Synplant version 1"

    I'm fairly confident that I will want to buy the upgrade - but if I don't how does this work? Will I be able to reinstall Synplant 1 after I try the demo?

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