Request Geno Update

BrunoKramm77 views2 posts
  • BrunoKramm

    First of all - one of the most awesome ML synth features, i think lots of the big players will get inspired by this, so congratulation for being always in front line of progressive synthengineering since early Microtonic and Synplant.

    It would be awesome if the various Genopatch generations on one sample could be distributed automatically to different nranches to create easy kits of variations from one sample. I use to always like more than five to ten variations and storing each seperately in one patch makes it total overload.

    A one button to select which you want to keep on branches would be awesome addition

    Thanks for your great work


  • Manuel Senfft

    I am absolutely not sure, but it might be possible with scripting. If you are familiar with scripting, you might check out the scripts which come with the synth (see the download page). There you could try to dig into the scripting. Maybe it's not that hard, who knows. Just a quick thinking here and no real immediate "help" to your problem, sorry.

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