Synplant 2 not showing in Renoise

mij71 views7 posts
  • mij

    Renoise 3.4.3 can't find Synplant in any VST format or AU (macOS). Oddly, Permut8 shows up fine. In Ableton Live on the same machine, everything works as expected. Any suggestions? Thanks!

  • Devon Rose

    Did you restart macOS after installing Synplant 2? Did you confirm the installation path is showing Synplant 2 of actually being installed (I'm assuming it would be if Abletone can see it)? You could also try manually adding Synplant2 to renoise as well if it still doesn't want to show up.

  • mij

    Yes and yes to your questions. But what do you mean by adding Synplant to Renoise manually?

  • Devon Rose

  • mij

    I see, you're talking about the paths to the plugin folders. They're set up correctly, Renoise finds all other plugins, including Permut8.

  • Magnus Lidström

    Hmmm, it does show up for me.

    Are you saying the AU shows up in Ableton Live? MacOS handles AU registration, so typically, you would not expect it to work differently from one DAW to another.

  • mij

    Ah... that's a bit embarrassing, I just looked in the wrong browser – thought that was the plug-in browser, but it's only the effects. I've found Synplant now in the instruments box in Renoise.

    Synplant is the only software synthesizer I have installed, so I evidently didn't know where to look for it. Magnus, please take that as a compliment. :)

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