Synplant 2 must be the synth of the year!

Sven Hedlund247 views5 posts
  • Sven Hedlund

    Genopatch is sooo rewarding to use! It is so exciting to hear the patches grow and the process will almost always lead to at least one useable patch. I am very impressed! I already made a collection of patches that get my creative juices flowing!

    What a home run Magnus, I really hope that this synth gets the attention that it deserves!

  • (Download Synplant 2 Pro Expansion Demo!)

    It is very impressive yes!

  • c0nsilience

    It will certainly round out the triumvirate of Sumu (Madrona Labs) and Myth (Dawesome) for me, both of which haven't been released yet, but are slated to before the EOY.

  • Jeffrey Harrington

    I spent the day yesterday feeding my other favoritre 2023 synth, Harmonia, (a sample-based Cherry Audio 'additive' synth) outputs back and forth.

    What a time for a sound designer to be alive!

  • Solidtrax

    Completely agree!

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