YouTube videos

Manuel Senfft382 views17 posts
  • Manuel Senfft

    Hey, I thought there could be a thread collecting inetresting (maybe even critical) videos regarding Synplant 2. I imagine that this could be helpful, since there might be legit and good ideas in such videos. What do you think?

    Let me start with this one I found by chance:

    YouTube Video

    "Synplant 2 is Overrated.."

    The title is a bit click-baity and might be "triggering" to some fans of Synplant, yet it's still a nice video and apparently the creator still likes Synplant after all - so no worries after all, hehe. (;

    Oh and I would say: feel free to post similar reviews, right!?

  • Bru Franco

    Don't waste your time on that video. That guy doesn't know how to use Synplant 2. Watch this guy instead, he knows:

    YouTube Video

    YouTube Video
  • Manuel Senfft

    - Bru wrote:
    That guy doesn't know how to use Synplant 2

    He had some good points, though. E.g. the browser thing or the branch visibility when editing the DNA.

    Will watch your linked videos!

  • Jeffrey Harrington

    This one was fun and really demos the amazing nuances the system is capable of discovering in subtly twisted sounds:

    YouTube Video
  • Manuel Senfft

    - Bru Franco wrote:
    Don't waste your time on that video. That guy doesn't know how to use Synplant 2. Watch this guy instead, he knows:

    I just skipped through the videos: to me they are very fan-boy-ish. It's cool to see what Synplant can do with certain kind of sounds, for sure. Yet I am not sure, if such a video is a gain, when it comes to the question "Would could be better?", if you understand what I mean.

    - jayuhfree wrote:
    This one was fun and really demos the amazing nuances the system is capable of discovering in subtly twisted sounds:

    To be honest: I had to quit watching at a certain point and skipped through very quick (sorry -_- ). It feels a tiny bit unfair to me, when people do a review while dragging some knobs without even closely knowing or at least guessing what the knobs might do. I mean ok: it can be some kind of "cold review" to see how intuitive such a plugin is - fair enough. I personally just do not like it. The rest I skipped through in this video is similar to the other videos I commented. Might be interesting to see in a video what Synplant might be able to do with the GenoPatch.

    Thanks in any way for sharing, of course!

  • Joey Luck

    I feel like the people who are having fun with Synplant are the ones who truly get it :) Those are the videos I like to watch.

  • Manuel Senfft

    - Joey Luck wrote:
    I feel like the people who are having fun with Synplant are the ones who truly get it :) Those are the videos I like to watch.

    Hehe, fair enough! :D

  • Jeffrey Harrington

    Dash Glitch ain't havin' it, lol...


    YouTube Video

    I feel it's a 'born this way' thing.

  • Manuel Senfft

    Thanks for sharing this video. He also has some valid point and I liked the constructive critic points. I did not like that much that he kind of advertised Vital quite a lot in the end part (while he can use it quite well, for sure). Comparing such a synth with Synplant, which has a different concept ... not sure if this is 100% fair. Yet maybe his point was workflow wise. Also he mentioned a lot that it's his opinion, which I liked. It made the video somehow more "eligible", I guess.

    I wonder if such videos (with critical reviews) are inspirational or helpful to Sonic Charge after all, hehe.

  • Bru Franco

    why do you bring these bad videos here?

  • Bru Franco

    I believe the forum is to praise Sonic Charge's brilliant plugins, and not watch these bad videos from people who make negative videos on YouTube and don't know how to use the plugin, aren't programmers and have no idea what AI is or how to use it the Genopatch. I think you should bring better videos to share, not videos from people who have never built anything.

  • AAV

    - Bru Franco wrote:
    why do you bring these bad videos here?

    Have to agree. He's contrary just to try to stir up controversy. There is nothing like SP2 PERIOD. Saying you could use another synth to do something similar completely misses the point. I have tons of other synths. None of them can do what sp2 can do.

  • Manuel Senfft

    You might want to consider watching such things from another perspective. If you get only fanmails and flattering words from all around you, you might understand that you do something good, for sure. But what is the gain on the long run, if there are no voices, which come up with constructive criticism?

    To me as a professional musician that's something I've learned so far: good constructive criticism is good for evolving, while flattering words are good for motivation. Both is gainful, yet one should not be let out after all.

    Also I would differentiate between bad video and video with criticism. If a video plainly says something is just bad, it's bad for sure. Yet the brought up videos, which you might consider bad (I guess at least) do have some valid points in them, in my opinion (while still loving this synth, don't get me wrong! :D).

  • Joey Luck

    It's a synth, did he even play it? Did he play a single note on a MIDI keyboard? Did he use the mod wheel? Did he play around with the branches? Did he explore the different bulb modes? Did he adjust a single parameter?

    He didn't even notice the new DNA Editor when making the video. All he would've had to do was click on a parameter and he would've seen it 😂 Which tells me he didn't try to adjust a single parameter before or while making this video...he just dove right into his hasty review. I don't know anybody who wasn't immediately aware of the new DNA editor. It's on the product page, it's in every video, it's immediately obvious when you just click on or adjust a single parameter. Glad he went back to correct the video, but c'mon... that's bad.

    Why dismiss videos by people having fun and enjoying it because supposedly those users don't know what a certain parameter does when they are experimenting. And then here's someone who doesn't know much of anything about the plugin, certainly doesn't dive into this and that, and misses entire parts of the plugin because he didn't even try to click on a single thing before or while making the video.

    "You might want to consider watching such things from another perspective." Why expect people to accept these sloppy and lazy critiques when at the same time saying you can't watch videos of people enjoying using the plugin? That's not fair.

    This video spends so much time comparing Genopatch creations. There are no claims that Synplant can perfectly replicate any sound. We learned that before it was released. So why spend so much time analyzing just that? If reviewers did their research, they would understand this. And then he's comparing it with bounced samples. I clicked on a video to see Synplant, not somebody's DAW sequencer. Use the dang synth :)

    Is it a game changer? IMO it's been a game changer since v1. It's a game changer without v2, because there is nothing like it. This reviewer didn't even use the synth—didn't play it, didn't adjust a single parameter...

    Sorry this got me going. Maybe I'll start a YouTube channel to review YouTube reviews and how they could improve them lol. Maybe they will listen and make changes if I make it into a video with comparisons to videos I like 😜

  • Jeffrey Harrington

    Let's not overlook the real price/cost of being so hyped. Synplant 2 is getting a lot of attention.
    People respond with enthusiasm.

    It's fascinating and to me really demonstrates the actual competence of these reviewers who pose as 'experts.' And face it, it's a Reviewer's world of aspiration avd competition and no one likes being late or a follower, so the vibes come out.

    For me, I'm coming up with so many insanely new textures and sounds, I had to set up a new folder system for all the sketches. I'm running trios of 15/8 washing machine modulating sonic mutations with step sequencers. :)

    I can't believe it...

  • Manuel Senfft

    Of course you can get really hung up on one thing, or you can just pick out the most useful thing for yourself.

  • Jeffrey Harrington

    Don't <cough> miss this one!

    Although you might not like his obviously deeply-researched and nuanced <cough> conclusion.

    YouTube Video

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