MiniMicroTonic - A single drumpatch device

Thomas Jeppesen240 views10 posts
  • Thomas Jeppesen

    I’m not sure if something like this has been proposed before, but if it has, I couldn’t find it on this forum. So here goes:

    Why you may ask? Well, I’m working with Ableton and Push, and building a drumrack with MicroTonic is not really integrating as well as I’d like it to.

    If I had a MiniMicroTonic-device holding a single drumpatch, I would be able to build an Ableton Drumrack full of MiniMicroTonic devices, which would integrate perfectly with Ableton and Push if I Map the parameters.

    It could be done as a “simple” stripped down MicroTonic single drum patch device without the sequencer, but please keep the morphing system. Maybe even extend on it and make it a preset creation tool, a bit like BeatMap, but for single patches.

    It could also be an excuse for Sonic Charge to extend on the MicroTonic concept and its sonic capabilities. An integrated Genopatch engine would really make good sense here, but with an easier to control and finetune integration, than on Synplant. And maybe integrate some of the Synplant synth engine, and get some FM-drum sounds in the mix :)

    What do you think. Am I the only one who would find a device like this useful?

  • davantbar

    Nice idea. Something like this would be neat for use within the Drum Machine Designer. I've enjoyed using Logic's step sequencer with pattern regions recently.

  • Manuel Senfft

    Might not be the thing you want, but: you can set MicroTonic into Pitched MIDI Mode here:


    This way the whole keyboard can trigger a single drum patch (yet pitched). Also you can trigger the other drum patches via other MIDI channels, I just found out. Nice, hehe.

  • davantbar

    Ahh! Haha! Synchronicity! I actually did the RTFM thing a bit last night, I'm a novice to midi channels and whatnot. What I am hoping to do is sequence all aspects of a single instance of microtonic from pattern regions in Logic, maybe within the Drum Machine Designer. Having pitched seperate channels would be great. More head-scratching methinks, while i get to grips with the terminology in that section of the user guide.

  • Thomas Jeppesen

    Thank you Manuel. The Pitched Midi Mode is great, but not what I am looking for here.

    The main point with the MiniMicroTonic proposal here is to enable easier and better parameter control, automation and integration with especially Ableton Live and Push, but I guess many of the benefits of a single drumpatch device, would be useful for Logic and Bitwig users as well and I suspect propably other DAWs.

  • Simon Leo

    I would also really love such thingie. Would be perfectly convinient for Ableton Drumrack. Maybe a NanoTonic with a simple interface similar to the one of SynplantFX - only containing the drum patch section (second row of the microtonic interface so to speak) , so no sequencer/pattern settings, but just one single patch settings. Guess, thats my this year's christmas wish for the Lidström secret santas :D

  • davantbar

    Yes, what Simon Leo said. Touch wood (my cranium) we all make it through to another Christmas. Peace.

  • larserik


  • Thomas Jeppesen

    I see I'm am indeed not the first person to think of this :)

    I guess, if it's a good idea, more people are bound to arrive at it eventually ;)

    I really like the muckup!

  • larserik

    - Thomas Jeppesen wrote:
    I see I'm am indeed not the first person to think of this :)
    I guess, if it's a good idea, more people are bound to arrive at it eventually ;)
    I really like the muckup!

    Great minds think alike. ;D

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