best-of-patternarium-generation-28 by soniccharge
worst-of-patternarium-generation-28 by soniccharge
Best and Worst of Patternarium Generation, 354 downloads)
Gorgeous as always - glad I did some voting to help this generation along
Please excuse my intrusiveness- but (although it's none of my business really) I am curious if you are the sound designer and ambient artist (Yew Tree) Martin Walker? If so I am a big fan of your soundsets - Steamworx for Alchemy (Camel Audio) and Kitnetix for AAS Chromaphone being two of my absolute favourites. If you're "another" Martin Walker, my warm regards nonetheless 😉 and thanks (from a user with no affiliation to Sonic Charge) for your voting to help make Patternarium such an excellent resource. (Feel free to ignore - as you were. 😁)
Why yes, that's me. Thanks for your kind comments about my sound libraries.
I'm also an enthusiastic user of Microtonic - it's my go-to instrument for electronic drum sounds, getting used on loads of tracks over the years.
For instance, you can hear how heavily it's featured on my track 'Shifting Sands':
I guessed so and I have seen your posts here over the years but have been reluctant to reach out. ( It is my great pleasure to "meet" you!).
Thanks for sharing the video. Wonderful! I will definitely make a point of getting over to Yewtreemagic again to catch up with what you've been up to recently. I am strictly a hobbyist doing my best to help to keep developers large and small in business, though I tend to acquire (in the views of my wife) more than I have a real need to. Thanks again for your great contributions to my own meager musical efforts (and enjoyment).
Cheers Martin!
I don't suppose there's any way to access my upvotes and favorites from this generation anymore? This is the first time it's changed over to a new one since I got Microtonic, and unfortunately I didn't think to save everything I liked in advance.
- Thomas Davidson wrote:
I don't suppose there's any way to access my upvotes and favorites from this generation anymore? This is the first time it's changed over to a new one since I got Microtonic, and unfortunately I didn't think to save everything I liked in advance.
Sure, when you browse generation 29, you can go back to generation 28 by clicking any "ascendant" in the information panel on the right side.
You can also use this direct link (or any generation 28 link from the top list posted above)
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