OMFG I just realized you can assign multiple µtonic patches to the same key

ekornkrutt409 views4 posts
  • ekornkrutt

    i had no idea! right click->edit MIDI in case others have missed it too

    .. so anyway i made rock drums. when i say micro you say tonic micro. micro.

    rock drums demo.mp4

    rock drums.mtpreset(19kB, 138 downloads)

  • Jason Chatzilias


  • Jan Vandeweyer

    you discovered the morph slider?

  • ekornkrutt

    thanks guys! yeah I love the morph slider, having it on the mod wheel while keyboard-drumming is crazy. gotta get around to making a track where morphing is a really obvious part of the groove!

    Here's a geek question though: I opened this on a different laptop and DAW and the preset didn't remember that I assigned patch 1 & 2 to C and 3 & 4 to D, which I kind of hoped it would. I don't suppose there's a way around that? Sharing presets with layered sounds might be a little meticulous if it needs to involve a routing manual:P no biggie, i guess it can still be saved as "track states" in the DAW's own track format, I seem to remember that working in FL at least. I suppose we're in pretty non-standard microtonic user territory here. I do think the ability to layer sounds gives the plugin a whole new level of holy-cow-nes though. Yeah yeah i know i can just hit two keys at once...:P

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