Microtonic: Select channel by MIDI-customizable

David Baker66 views6 posts
  • David Baker

    Feature request: Could we have the option to assign MIDI notes to select drum channels that are different from the notes that trigger those channels? I want to select channels with physical buttons while host sequences Microtonic, so I'd like for each channel to have a note that triggers it and also a different note that selects it without triggering.

    I've created a pretty good controller template for Microtonic with my Maschine Studio. Microtonic is already the best drum plug-in that I know of for hardware control, due to the fact that CC-mapped buttons can transmit their values. This means I can make it so that when I switch channels, the 16 pads on my controller that are mapped to step triggers, accents & fills update their on-off lights. I don't have to look at the screen while programming beats. If I could silently select channels by MIDI it would be near-perfect. Like having Microtonic as a fully-functioning hardware hardware drum machine, which is pretty awesome.

    Looking thru these posts, this appears to have been asked about previously. Other users have said they want to be able to silently select channels with MIDI. You responded to one such post in 2018 that not having this capability was "an oversight". If this oversight were addressed it would be awesome for anyone who likes controlling Microtonic with hardware. In the near future, when MIDI 2.0 stuff is available and controllers get more powerful and easier to configure, there will be a lot more people who want to do that.

    I have some thoughts on a good way to implement it that I think would be pretty easy if you're interested.

  • David Baker

    Other users have also expressed interest in having this kind of full hardware control. So it's definitely not just me who would benefit from this.

  • David Baker

    This forum hates my posts. Any post I make is way, way down the list. Behind posts from 2017. Why is that?

  • AAV

    - David Baker wrote:
    This forum hates my posts. Any post I make is way, way down the list. Behind posts from 2017. Why is that?

    I think you might need to click on "Mark all read" at the top. Your last three posts from yesterday all show up after the "Highlighted" posts (that are always at the top, so "pinned"). After the highlighted posts, newest posts in each forum section show up at the top for me.

  • AAV


  • Jan Vandeweyer

    You CAN select channels by midi, that is already implemented. To do it silently you have to mute it first. It is that easy.

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