Microtonic 3.1

Magnus Lidström6 331 views27 posts
  • Magnus Lidström

    Microtonic 3.1 is up!

    It is a free upgrade (as usual) and to many people the most interesting news is probably 64-bit compatibility. It also features new MIDI controlling possibilities (including pattern edits via MIDI CC) and a beautiful new skin with spacier layout and crispier pixels. (There are several other minor improvements and bug fixes but we refer you to the Change Log chapter in the User Guide for the complete list.)

    Download the full 3.1 installer here to upgrade.

    One important addition to Microtonic 3.1 is a utility called Authenticator that will help you register and unlock the Sonic Charge products you own by simply entering the logon name and password you have chosen for this site. An internet connection is required to do this, but in case you do not have a connection you can still register from within the plug-in with your name, email and registration key. Authenticator exists to help you, not to be a copy protection system.

    (At the moment, Microtonic is the only product supported by Authenticator but we are going to introduce this technology to the rest of our product line as soon as possible.)

    With this release we are also consolidating our downloadable patch packages into a single installer. As a bonus, the installer contains a brand new package called Patternarium Stellar Beats Volume 1. It consists of the 100 most popular beats yet on our ever ongoing genetic experiment of Patternarium.

    Speaking of Patternarium, we have just launched generation 16 with another 1000 beats. However, there is an important distinction between this and older generations. We felt that it was time to diversify the gene pool a bit so we made it not only from the most liked patterns of generation 15, but from all the previous generations! In other words, the beats that are spinning in Patternarium right now are the offspring from the best beats of all time.




    i sent an email about the following, but i thought i should ask here, just in case...

    I allowed the installer to move my patches and preset folders. I noticed all the patches beginning with "NE" have been renamed to begin with "SC"

    also, some presets beginning with "NE" have been renamed to begin with "SC" but not all of them

    i'm worried that there will be compatibility problems with old projects so i am keeping a backup copy of the old folders

  • Magnus Lidström

    (I just answered your email, but I'll post here as well..)

    No need to be alarmed. You are correct that we have moved the patches (on Windows) to a common location for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. We have also renamed all the factory presets that were made by yours truly from NE (which is short for NuEdge Development) to SC (short for Sonic Charge). However, this will not affect any existing old projects. Any preset used in a project is stored within that project fully self-contained when you save it. So when you load up an old song in your DAW that used Microtonic, the exact original settings will be restored, even including the original preset and drum patch names.

  • 3ee

    Cool... and new version, nice too see that uTonic is getting some attention.

    Was hoping for an oversampling switch or something... oh well, maybe next time, thanks anyway! :)

  • 3ee

    ..hmm, bad idea with the .dll name change, my system sees it as a separate plugin..which means my older projects won't load the new version.

  • Greg Killmaster

    this is great news! thanks a lot. I wanted to check out the new Patternarium presets but I don't see the package anywhere. Are they glommed together into the main preset area with the prefix "SC" or something?

  • Magnus Lidström

    - 3ee wrote:
    ..hmm, bad idea with the .dll name change, my system sees it as a separate plugin..which means my older projects won't load the new version.

    Sorry to hear that. Which host would that be? We did test the change with most hosts and while the majority managed the name change without problems there were some that didn't manage it flawlessly. (Technically, hosts should disregard the dll name altogether and use the unique plug-in id, which never changes. So if you are up for it, please complain to the manufacturer if your host of choice doesn't do this.)

    Anyhow, if the host doesn't like the name change you can of course choose to rename the plug-ins back to MicroTonicVST.dll etc manually. At least in hope for better times when your host allows the name change.

    - Greg Killmaster wrote:
    this is great news! thanks a lot. I wanted to check out the new Patternarium presets but I don't see the package anywhere. Are they glommed together into the main preset area with the prefix "SC" or something?

    There is a separate installer to download at http://soniccharge.com/download, containing the four old packages + the new Patternarium package. It is only available to download for registered customers though.


    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    (I just answered your email, but I'll post here as well..)

    thank you!
  • AB459

    Thanks (Although I use a 32bit system, but there are some useful additions)

  • 3ee

    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    Anyhow, if the host doesn't like the name change you can of course choose to rename the plug-ins back to MicroTonicVST.dll etc manually. At least in hope for better times when your host allows the name change.

    Hah.. I forgot about remaning the dll, thanks for the heads up! :)

  • Greg Killmaster

    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    There is a separate installer to download at http://soniccharge.com/download, containing the four old packages + the new Patternarium package. It is only available to download for registered customers though.

    this is where this link takes me:

    The page cannot be foundThe page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

    Please try the following:

    • If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.
    • Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
    • Click the [Back]() button to try another link. HTTP 404 - File not found
      Internet Information Services
  • Magnus Lidström

    - Greg Killmaster wrote:
    this is where this link takes me:
    The page cannot be found

    Uh oh. Congrats IP board on the excellent parser. The comma shouldn't be part of the link. Here again: http://soniccharge.com/download

  • Greg Killmaster

    o, yeh. sorry, I shoulda seen that myself :) thanks!

  • Jonathan Newsome

    Maybe I'm being thick, but i can't figure this out...

    new MIDI controlling possibilities (including pattern edits via MIDI CC)

    I've looked through the manual and the changelog, but I'm still not seeing it. I saw this in the changelog but I can't find it explained.

    • Supports using MIDI CC to perform pattern edits.

    Can someone please tell me exactly how pattern edits via CC works since the update? I've always dreamed of each cell being mappable to a note, to use with grid controllers. Being able to map on the fly would be a good workaround.

    Love this plug.


  • Softcore

    Wooo hooooo editing patterns via MIDI - havent yet checked the feature but.....

    woooo hooooo.......!!!!!!

    ...AND sending CC out for knobs and buttons? So that means, bi-directional midi communication right out of the box?

    Oh boy!!!! I ve got work to do during the weekend.

    Thanks a lot for these added features!!!!

  • Thomas Thomsen

    First of all MicroTonic is amazing...


    Logged In Users should have direct access to the complete Patternarium Preset Libraries without using the Web Generator, like an FTP-Server so the user is able to Download much faster, a bunch of Presets in one time.

    Could that be an option for the Future?

    Greetz Thomas

  • Magnus Lidström

    - Thomas Thomsen wrote:
    Logged In Users should have direct access to the complete Patternarium Preset Libraries without using the Web Generator, like an FTP-Server so the user is able to Download much faster, a bunch of Presets in one time.

    Have you seen this forum: http://soniccharge.com/forum/index.php?/forum/10-patternarium-top-charts/ ?

    For every generation we collect the top 20 patterns (and bottom 10 for fun) into downloadable zip-files.

    Put perhaps you wish to download all presets? I am not sure how useful that would be actually. You do realize there is around 15000 patterns in Patternarium now? :)

    - Jonathan Newsome wrote:
    Jonathan Newsome, on 18 May 2013 - 06:29 AM, said:
    Can someone please tell me exactly how pattern edits via CC works since the update? I've always dreamed of each cell being mappable to a note, to use with grid controllers. Being able to map on the fly would be a good workaround.

    Not to notes, but to CC values (which normally works even better with LED grid controllers). Select Edit MIDI CC / Keys from the main menu. Now to the left of each "button lane" in the pattern editor (except length) there is a little box for MIDI learn (you can also click and drag to assign here). This sets the first controller number for that lane. So e.g. choosing 32 for the trigger ("egg buttons") will mean CC 32 is first step, 33 is second step etc...

    If you now assign these CC's on your grid controller, turn on "Knobs and buttons send MIDI CC" (in Microtonic's MIDI Config window) and route MIDI out from Microtonic to your controller you have full two-way sync with your controller. E.g. if you change pattern, the LEDs will update on your controller.

    If you select "MIDI CC operate on selected channel" (again in Microtonic's MIDI Config window), the buttons will affect the currently chosen channel in Microtonic only. Otherwise you can select different MIDI CC numbers to program different channels.

    I'll try to find time to make a tutorial video for this shortly.

  • clakes

    64bit final update... I love you, Microtonic! I love you, Magnus and Sonic Charge!

    Today is a good day despite this cutting headache. :rolleyes:

  • Softcore

    I have been toying around with the new midiCC features and controls. It all goes well, and it's relatively easy to set up an ol' midi channel to receive the midi out of μTonic, send it to a midi out port of your DAW and consequently make midi-feedback work for you rmidi controller.

    The fact that the controls transmit only on one selected channel, means that IF you want to map all the controls of μTonic, having the option of seperate control per channel parameter is a no-go...Because the amount of controls supercedes this way the total 127 of mappable controls for one channel.

    So.....the best way is to use the "controls operate on selected channel" option.....

    Now, I have only one question reguarding this: we have our controller set up and ready, and everything (seems) to be working ok....We then proceed to "select" a drum channel via midi notes. The problem is that, unlike when pressing the channel button with the mouse, the channel is triggered (with the mouse this happens only after the first press). So, everytime we select a channel to edit it with our controller, the channel is triggered. Is there a way to prevent this and still keep the control of channel selection via midi?

    I know its a detail, Im just asking in case Im missing anything. Also, I have some incvonsistent behavior of anything "button" nature - it seems that if a button has been switched on by feedback on my controller (for example, we load a preset and one channel is muted, therefore my mapped mute button switches on) , it takes two subsequent presses to "catch" the CC 0 value. Im using a wireless controller though and perhaps at the time of testing I had poor connection so I'll do more tests....

    Big thanks for this update by the way.......Some may wonder what kind of controller could be used for so many and complicated functions but when mine is ready I'll post in the forums for those interested! ;)

  • Magnus Lidström

    - Softcore wrote:
    The fact that the controls transmit only on one selected channel, means that IF you want to map all the controls of μTonic, having the option of seperate control per channel parameter is a no-go...Because the amount of controls supercedes this way the total 127 of mappable controls for one channel.
    So.....the best way is to use the "controls operate on selected channel" option.....

    There is in fact a trick to map all controls of Microtonic, provided that your plug-in host does not remap the MIDI channels of MIDI messages (many do). Turn on "Pitched MIDI Mode". In this mode, the eight drum channels receive and transmit on MIDI channel 1 to 8. Now turn on, "MIDI CC operate on selected channel", and the same applies to all CC message. Channel 1 to 8 for each individual drum channel. Channel 10 is the global channel which receives messages for all drum channels, just like when "Pitched MIDI Mode" is off.

    So, everytime we select a channel to edit it with our controller, the channel is triggered. Is there a way to prevent this and still keep the control of channel selection via midi?

    No. Sorry. It would have been nice to have a separate MIDI CC to select MIDI channel, so you could even assign it to a step rotary knob.

    it seems that if a button has been switched on by feedback on my controller (for example, we load a preset and one channel is muted, therefore my mapped mute button switches on) , it takes two subsequent presses to "catch" the CC 0 value.

    Wouldn't that depend on how the controller works? At least I don't get that behavior on my Launchpad that I'm working on right now.

    Big thanks for this update by the way.......Some may wonder what kind of controller could be used for so many and complicated functions but when mine is ready I'll post in the forums for those interested! ;)

    Wooh. Show it to us!! :)

  • Softcore

    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    There is in fact a trick to map all controls of Microtonic, provided that your plug-in host does not remap the MIDI channels of MIDI messages (many do). Turn on "Pitched MIDI Mode". In this mode, the eight drum channels receive and transmit on MIDI channel 1 to 8. Now turn on, "MIDI CC operate on selected channel", and the same applies to all CC message. Channel 1 to 8 for each individual drum channel. Channel 10 is the global channel which receives messages for all drum channels, just like when "Pitched MIDI Mode" is off.
    No. Sorry. It would have been nice to have a separate MIDI CC to select MIDI channel, so you could even assign it to a step rotary knob.
    Wouldn't that depend on how the controller works? At least I don't get that behavior on my Launchpad that I'm working on right now.
    Wooh. Show it to us!! :)

    Thanks for the fast reply!

    Yeah, a future-minor update to include CC control on channel selection (like it was added for mutes) would be ideal. But Im not complaining - I really dont think there is ANY other VST plug in I use that i can rely on its native midi - mapping - μTonic is super-advanced as it is, no doubt.

    As for the controller, I know what you mean - but thats not the case....or of course Im missing something.

    So, I know the difference between a "push-button" and a "toggle button" - I immediately assumed that the mutes and the steps in the lain need "toggle-buttons" and they work nicely - besides the first push......BUT I also know for a fact, that the Launchpad's buttons are of "push button" nature (pushing sends 127, releasing sends 0).
    If thats the case, I can easily change my contoller's button functions - in fact, if you say it works with the Launchpad, Im sure it will also work for my design too.....

    I will report back and hopefully I want to make a video to demosntrate it because, frankly, its a long-ago dream coming true....hands on control of μTonic.....

    Here's a hint if you are interested ;)

  • CC4

    Thanks for the update; I figure it's time I actually posted in the forum.

  • Alexander Dorendorf

    THANKS for this update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jonathan Newsome

    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    Wouldn't that depend on how the controller works? At least I don't get that behavior on my Launchpad that I'm working on right now.

    Magnus, did you map Launchpad to the cells? If so, how did you get CC's out instead of notes? Automap? Bome's?

    Thanks again for making and supporting rad stuff.

  • Magnus Lidström

    - Jonathan Newsome wrote:
    Magnus, did you map Launchpad to the cells? If so, how did you get CC's out instead of notes? Automap? Bome's?

    Automap. Haven't tried Bome. Is it good?

  • Softcore

    Its the biz! Definitely check it out! it works wonders!

  • Petr Zajac

    Microtonic is best, but only one error, missing buttons solo... ;)

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