name systems for microtonic, synplant, permut8

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  • 00.1

    My current method for organizing soniccharge presets, patches, and programs.

    microtonic preset: tempo (heart rated category then pitched tempo) > version

    what it looks like: "030s77E255625_01"

    notes: heart rated category means..

    strolling 030 and up
    walking 090 and up
    jogging 150 and up

    running 210 and up

    I usually embed the note of the pitched tempo within the tempo itself "77E255625". Tempo is 77.255625 bpm in note E.

    microtonic patch: tempo > patches > ipzo > oscclass and noiseclass

    what it looks like: "030s77E255625_k0104_1010_2400"

    notes: Usually I divide the 8 pacthes into two groups per preset. Kicks and snares in one preset, toms and noise in another. Atonal patches I need to explore more, so that'll probably get the full 8 pacthes.

    ipzo stands for Intellect, Physical, Zero, One. Intellect sounds to me usually involves synthesis, Physical sounds are just that, Zero for zero valleys in the harmonic spectrum, One for fm, noisy, reverb bleeding, bascially the valleys are filled. So for the ipzo example above, ipzo is read like a binary system, ipzo = 1010.

    Osc class and Noise Class means that I've divided the the attack decay lengths..

    class 1 = 0.152587890625 0.30517578125 0.6103515625
    class 2 = 1.220703125 2.44140625 4.8828125 9.765625
    class 3 = 19.53125 39.0625 78.125
    class 4 = 156.25 312.5 625
    class 5 = 1250 2500 5000 10000

    Since there are a total of 4 attack decay parameters per patch, I use four zeros and just fill in the classes "0000" to "2400", which means for osc the attack is class 2 and decay is class 4, 00 means noise is not in use.

    synplant patch: A form-freq > B form-freq > time-tilt > fm amount-mod > ipzo > version

    what it looks like: "0696-0500_0362-0422_41_0650-0888_1011_01"

    notes: Taking advantage of the DNA in synplant, numbers give it an origin. So for the most part I look at the numbers to name it, except for "time-tilt", "ipzo", and "version". For "time-tilt", I look at the 5 divisions in the DNA.

    permut8: Analog=1 Digital=2 Clock=3

    what it looks like: "P123" or "P103"

    notes: Naming permut8 programs doesn't really come into play for me personally because its a flux type tool. And the only thing I need to know is which module I'm using and which I'm not. I don't stack Permut8's anymore, instead opting for a one effect per render technique due to multiband EBU style mixing. For more on EBU..

  • braduro


    I love the idea of clean, consistent naming conventions. Thank you for volunteering yours. However, I don't understand how any of your templates are mapped to your examples. Would you have a moment to use your labels in the same format as the example so I can understand how they correlate? If it's easier to do this visually, maybe use some mark-up or skitch?

    Cheers to you,


  • 00.1

    Attached is a Synplant patch, the patch name is "0696-0500_0362-0422_41_0650-0888_1011_02r.synp"

    This is a much easier example to explain since its not treated with tempo priority, but with feature priority instead.

    Generally speaking when I'm patching any synth. I look at it in two ways.

    One: how can I organize, say 1,000 pacthes, and be able to read all of them and find distinctions ?

    Two: which features will I prioritize and tweak in sequence so that patch one is disctinct from patch 999.

    My preffered "feature tweak sequence" is..

    A form-freq > B form-freq > time-tilt > fm amount-mod > ipzo > version

    Lets take a look at the name and dismantle it. "0696-0500_0362-0422_41_0650-0888_1011_02r.synp"

    A form-freq: 0696-0500

    B form-freq: 0362-0422

    time-tilt: 41 (most synths have sliders that have divided lines to help you remember patches, guitar players use a clock system for their guitar pedal pots. So 4 for time and 1 for tilt. Synplant visually divides the DNA in 5.)

    fm amount-mod: 0650-0888

    ipzo: 1011 (ipzo is explained above, but you don't have to use this, I feel that I do though.)

    version: 02r (2nd version. the "r" just stands for release.)

  • braduro

    Thanks for the synplant patch! And the naming breakdown. If by the face of the clock analogy or the division lines on the dna you mean the gaps, then yes I count 5. If you're counting the division lines as ranges, than I count 4. Did I get this right?

    I bet in the case of microtonic, one could build a script to name patterns with attributes and place savers. Otherwise, I imagine this took quite a bit of dedication if only considering that the values within the dna are not copy/pasteable. Are you working from some MAX devise Synplant controller to help you systematically type and then copy your values? Or are you using evolutionary methods as the Synplant is designed, deciding what you like, and then transcribing the values from the DNA?


  • 00.1

    DNA gaps in 5 yes, you could count 4 as ranges if you want.
    You could also add another reminder if say its between 1 and 2,
    if it leans more to one side or in the middle.
    I would have jotted down the numbers the same way
    like A and B form-freq but it was getting too long.
    You could also count in hex to save spaces.

    The gap or division line method is usually what I do for all synths,
    so its universal but the key is what features you prioritize and your
    preffered tweak sequence, the rest can be considered loose, flux or
    non priority. Speaking of flux, I also have two folders, one named "flux",
    the other "used". That helps in organizing which patches are used in songs.

    I'm not using anything else to help me systematically copy/past values.
    I suppose in a more universal way, its just how you look at anything
    in sequential order. Also, check out OODA Loop (link to wikiP).

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