Easy way to tune Drumkit to a set key?

Joseph perkins2 280 views15 posts
  • Joseph perkins

    I've found a new love for Microtonic after downloading the Liguid groove demo. Feed it into the drum rack made for push and it rocks.

    Quick question, after messing around with the scripts made for utonic is there a method to tune all drums to a certain key. Lets say A minor?


  • Magnus Lidström

    Tune all drums? You mean that you wish to "quantize" the frequencies of all drum channels to a specific scale? E.g. A, C, E, A (all octaves)?

    That's an interesting idea for a script.

    What's Liguid Groove?

  • Joseph perkins

    Yes Magnus thats exactly what i had in mind. I've recently started tuning all my drums to a certain key.

    I make techno / deep house.

    I love creating melodic drum sequences, for the main groove.

    Liquid groove perfectly integrates into Ableton using maxforlive. Check it.

    YouTube Video

    Image this with microtonic and a perfectly tuned drum...... yheeeeeew

  • Joseph perkins

    Ah sorry i said liquid groove.... HAHA Liquid rythem !!!!

  • Philipp Aeschlimann

    I agree with joseph! I was thinking of e.g. a function that would allow you to snap osc and noise frequencies to certain values. You could e.g. set the scale in a separate menu and then have microtonic move the frequencies to the closest notes.

    a randomize parameter would be nice, too, to make drums sound not exactly in tune.

    I'm not a programmer but this sounds like something that should be achievable with a script?

  • Karim El Morr

    that's exactly what i'm looking for too! Is there anybody with experience who could write such a script?

  • drbdp

    It would be a great script. I tune all my drums too.

    I make synthpop and techno

  • the drym

    TL;DR: +1

    I always tune the beats so they fit my tracks...never thought about a script or function that does it for me, but it is indeed time consuming to get it right on all sounds that are somehow tonally related.

    This would be a feature that boosts an already amazing plugin into a new dimension of awesomeness.

  • Sebastian Ramos

    Did something happen to this idea?

  • AAV

    Script - make transposable

  • Coolout

    +1 locking the sounds to a key/scale automatically would be so cool.

  • Aj0

    +1 The option to quantise to scale for Microtonic drums,

    • to transpose,
    • add few cents random detune

    Recognising Scala files?
    Tuned drums have there place across genres, imho.

  • AAV

    Have you tried the "Make Transposable" script? Works great here by scaling all channel frequencies according to the midi note being played. Super useful IMO.

  • Aj0

    - AAV wrote:
    Have you tried the "Make Transposable" script? Works great here by scaling all channel frequencies according to the midi note being played. Super useful IMO.

    Thanks - sounds a very helpful tool.

  • Nick Kaniak

    +1 to this idea. Ay updates if it will be implemented?

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