uTonic Max4Live Rack

Soundtemple2 451 views6 posts
  • Soundtemple

    "Made" my first MaxforLive device today to control uTonic. Well, it's actually a collection of 4 devices that I hacked together from an existing device.

    Optimized for use with the Ableton Push Controller these 4 Max devices send midi cc messages to the selected pad in uTonic, providing control over the 4 main sections for each sound in uTonic - Mixer, Oscillator, Noise & Velocity/Global. Just select the Pad by playing it on the Push.

    One instance of uTonic is housed within a Drum Rack with Live's external instrument routing midi & audio to the other 7 pads in the Drum Rack. Each pad has its own FX rack. Plus there is one FX rack that effects the whole track. The Device chain therefore consists of 7 racks each of which can be selected from the Push controller in Device Mode. (My version of the few we have seen already)

    With 2 button presses on the Push you have access to 384 controls mouse free, all labelled for easy identification. The 7 racks appear as selectable devices on the Push

    So you can use the Push step sequencer to create your patterns and select the pad for control. The Push Encoders and top row of buttons in Device Mode provide full control over all parameters for all 8 pads.

    Here is the device chain in Live....

    Here are the 7 pages as they display on the Push controller. Select the rack (Mixer, OSC etc) using yellow pads on the top row of the Push controller in Device Mode.

    • The First 4 (Mixer, OSC, Noise & Extra are the Max Racks that send midi CC to uTonic)
    • uDrums is the Drum rack and controls the DrumRack Volume of each Pad
    • uPad is the FX rack for the selected Pad
    • RackFX is the FX rack for the whole thing

    Download for free here: http://soundtemple.com.au/shop/utoniccontrol/

    WARNING: Remember to turn off the "Select Channel with MIDI" button on uTonic if you intend to adjust controls while playing patterns, as the Max devices control the selected Pad.

  • Magnus Lidström

    Amazing! Now I'm totally persuaded to go buy a Push asap.

  • Soundtemple

    Hey Magnus, yes its made MicroTonic even more inspiring!! The Push is great for controlling all your hardware in the same way.

    meanwhile, I made a new version with Pitch control using Pitched Midi Mode, so I can alter the playing pitch of each drum sound, but I notice I get a significant increase in CPU when using pitch mode. +10% approx.

    Does Pitched Midi mode use more CPU?

  • Magnus Lidström

    - rishi wrote:
    Does Pitched Midi mode use more CPU?

    Uh. It shouldn't really. Can't see any reason why it would. Please, double-check and let me know if I should look into it.

  • Soundtemple

    Hi Magnus, I worked out what was happening, so I wanted to let you know its the same CPU on either Pitched or standard mode.

  • Torsten Lauschmann

    utoniCControl. I seem to be not able to select the individual pads1-8 to change parameters (osc,etc) with push. Is the problem that they are Grouped tracks?


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