Unable to locate Synplant user saved patches

Mitchell Renner1 390 views3 posts
  • Mitchell Renner

    I posted a question before but not sure if it went through...

    I am able to save my own user patches within Synplant, and then see them within Synplant when I am browsing for patches. The file address is ‪C:\Program Files (x86)\VST Plugins 32\Sonic Charge Synplant\Synplant Patches\By Category\Alexander.

    However, when I try to find the patches in Windows (using file explorer), they simply do not appear. All the factory presets are there, but the files and any folders created within Synplant's file browser are missing. I need to be able to back up my original patches, but the only way to access these files seems to be within the program.

    Any ideas? Thanks!


  • Fredrik Lidström


    This sounds extremely strange. Synplant uses the normal file-system of course and if you can save and load inside Synplant, the files should show up outside Synplant as well. Do you run Windows as a restricted user and your host as Administrator by any chance? What host are you using? If you save a file to the root C:\ for example, does it not show up there?

  • Mitchell Renner

    I am on Windows 8 - I checked my user account and I am designated as an Adminstrator. I am using Synplant within Audiomulch and also Reaper. Both hosts cause the same issue. I tried saving to C:\ and experienced the same result.

    I noticed under Property>Security tab for the user patches (right clicking on files inside Synplant file browser) that the list of Groups/Users was different for user patches than factory presets. Factor presets have ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES, SYSTEM, Administrators, and Users. My user patches have SYSTEM, Mitchell (my login), and Administrators.

    Now I just did something - I saved a user patch to my My Documents folder. Still couldn't see it outside Synplant. Then within Synplant's file browser I went to the file's Property>Security and added the group 'Users'. Now I can see it outside of Synplant.

    And as I continue saving user patches anywhere, they are all now visible outside of Synplant - except the original user patch locations. But I can just open them one by one and resave them in another folder.

    Weird stuff - thanks for the reply, that helped me think about it!

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