During the beta of Cyclone we searched around for Yamaha TX16W disks on various internet archives. We ended up finding quite a lot. Hundreds of zips actually. With some excellent help from Koshdukai we have converted them all to disk image files that can be inserted into our virtual TX16W.
Some of the disks are in Typhoon format while others are in original Yamaha OS format. You need to use the import routine in Typhoon 2000 to load the latter type.
Here is a link to zip archives that contain everything that we have converted this far: [http://ge.tt/6jT9TmB1?c]
Edit: that file server did not hold up for long. Try the links in the first reply below instead.
This is an excerpt from the FAQ ( http://soniccharge.com/forum/index.php?/topic/600-cyclone-faq/ ) that explains how to load the sounds from disk images into Cyclone:
Use the same steps for loading Yamaha disks except that you should choose [8.Import] instead of [7.Load *].
You will need to have some patience. Loading is slow. (The technical reason is explained in the FAQ.) But once you find something that you like you can "freeze" the entire machine to an .fxb or .aupreset for instant recall.
If you have some unique sounds for this old sampling beast, do not hesitate to share them! If they are not too big you can attach them here on this forum directly.
Oops. Looks like we overloaded that file server.
Here are a couple of alternative links:
Typhoon format zip : [http://j.mp/1emHeZ8]
Yamaha format zip : [http://j.mp/1iqyWVi]
Also, here are a couple of images that I found on Yamaha's own deprecated TX16W home page (via Wayback Machine). "Prophet5" and "Symphoni". Converted to Typhoon format:
YAMAHA SYNTH ZONE.zip(856kB, 4865 downloads)
Some really classic sounds that I will definitely use. But quite a few of them say corrupt ir invalid when trying to load them. Why is that?
- Antony Parsons wrote:
Some really classic sounds that I will definitely use. But quite a few of them say corrupt ir invalid when trying to load them. Why is that?
Oh. Weird. Shouldn't be. Well, I haven't personally checked every one of them (yet). Do you have an example?
It maybe user error again (usually me!) lol I think I might of been trying to load sounds with "wave edit" selected and not actually loading whole banks. I will try them again as per your instructions and see what happens.
Some great sounds in these packs. Would love more! :)
I think they are OK and it was my fault. Really don't understand it too well so will have to read a manual or something.
Thanks for the great gift!
Thanks, but corrupt disk? That might be something I have to look into. Please let me know if it happens again and if you know how to reproduce it.
Just saw this request over at KVR audio for anyone who is collecting image disk files:
Does anybody know any good TX16W soundbanks suitable for early techno?
Would like some too. Trance and techno banks please. :D
Speaking about that, I would totally like if one could load zip files into Cyclon. Check this library out guys!
- Magnus Lidström wrote:
Also, here are a couple of images that I found on Yamaha's own deprecated TX16W home page (via Wayback Machine). "Prophet5" and "Symphoni". Converted to Typhoon format:
Thanks! :)
Any plans for a fxp collection?
or perhaps some way of batching a dir of Typhoon disks to fxp?
- teadrinker wrote:
Any plans for a fxp collection?
or perhaps some way of batching a dir of Typhoon disks to fxp?
I like the idea of an fxp collection and I have started making a few fxp's myself. Often loading an entire category of disks into one fxp. But I won't have time to go through everything like this.
Batching is virtually impossible without involving the emulator since fxp's are basically the entire machine state hibernated, incl memory, CPU registers etc. But I have been toying with the idea of adding PikaScript support to Cyclone (like I have in Microtonic and Synplant). With that you would be able to make a batch script inside the plug-in. If I can find a way to reliably let scripts access files on virtual floppys one could make scripts for importing / exporting AIF's for example. The thought is tempting.
But I also have to work on Synplant 2 again you know. :)
such a great idea thanks for the nice bank :)
here is a drumkit I threw together-
My Tr-808 with pitch mods, sampled into
a hardware tx16w. some basic fun.
Can you sample using this?? I Couldn't get it to work? what is its default input?
Yes, you can sample into the virtual TX16W, provided that your DAW supports routing of audio channels to VST instruments. There is also a workaround to enable Cyclone to appear as an effect instead of an instrument. See http://soniccharge.com/forum/index.php?/topic/600-cyclone-faq/ for more talk about this.
i have been using your typhoon os on the hardware for years
i use awave to create wxx tw sample files and typhoon sample files
can this emulator load these direct
also is there room on the os for extra code segments for the 68000 processor as we want to add usb support to the hardware
and as seeing you have the written code it would be easier than dis-assembling the code to impliment it
or does the tw just read image files
and thanks for the typhoon os
and for this emulation great work
is there a limit on the amount of samples like there is in the tw 6mb
i see it can sample to is it limited to the sample rates of the tw and does it do it in 12bits like the original or is it 16bits padded 0 after the 12th bit like on the korg dss1 and dsm1
i think that cyclone is a completely authentic emulation and therefore has the same features and limitations as the TX16W.
Yes, all features and limitations has been kept the same for it to be able to run the original Typhoon OS. The code that the emulator runs is the same binary that we compiled almost 15 years ago. We are not able to make any changes to it since the old 68k Mac we had the development environment on has died and disappeared years ago.
any progress on the techno samples? teehee
Hi, many thanks for this excellent nostalgia boost!
I recently found this emulator (he-he) and have been unable to get it to receive
SDS from SampleWrench (via MIDI-Ox/MIDI-Yoke) - is the SDS part of Typhoon implemented?
BTW SampleWrench is freeware now! Check out; http://www.dissidents.com/audio.htm
Keeps old samplers useful!
this is really cool! Although all the sounds seem to play for a spit second, and then cut off - like there is no sustain? Even if you hold down keys on a midi keyboard. I tried looking through the manual and scrolling through the menu... but couldn't work it out.
@Nicholas Bryant : Sorry. No SDS support. Although there is some form of sysex support in VST, it looks like a mess and from what I've heard it is not widely supported. Cyclone simply ignores anything that Typhoon sends on the TX16W ports (MIDI and RS422). Better to put AIFF files on a virtual floppy image (e.g. use the http://soniccharge.com/floppybaker). Just change the extension from .aiff to .A01 (don't ask why :) )
@Todd : are you playing sounds in the wave edit page? or perhaps you've loaded some floppy that just contains raw unlooped material. I remember seeing a few of those.
Oops yeah - I think I was playing the sounds on the wave edit page. Still trying to work out how to save them as performances. This machine (and manual) is quite elaborate for my brain. I'll get there eventually.
Hi just a quick question.. well two questions...
1 simple thing but dont seem to be able to work it out.... when i load a floppy from your links alls well great sound by the way, but when i load another disk the same disk of samples remains... how do we unload the previous to view the new loaded content..... im sure its simple and just a user issue...lol.. as usual...
2 i have seen that you can route to this device (audio)... i dont want to store sounds on it but just use it to process stems for instance....so i got that sonic edge ya get me ;) im using studio one 2 latest release also using focusrite pro 24 dsp.... this as various routing possibilities as does S1.....but as mentioned before the user is not to scientific with the professor stuff....lol.... Basically go from DAW to TX16W Back to DAW will routing with saffire be needed to do this i imagine so but as this is digital the daw and plugin should be enough right ?
Thanks for this free release i was actually impressed when i heard it... on yamaha hs7s no less and bwoy did it sound good.... i would use this so much going forward so any help would be great... thanks Manix London
- Johan Brodd wrote:
Thanks! But i cannot log on this FTP. Maybe its not working now? Did you downloaded all the stuff and maybe share with us? ;) Thanks
I'm running Cyclone under Linux (!), using phantom_one's airwave utility to "link" the .DLL to a native Linux .SO object file. Performance is very good on Bitwig Studio, on a machine with an AMD TurionX2 CPU and only 3G memory. I've been happily loading performances, voices, and waves found at the recommended sites, many thanbks to the OPs for those links.
I owned a TX16w back in the days of my Yamaha love fest. I also owned two TX802s, a TX81z, two DMP11s, an MJC8, an MEP4, and a TG77. Can you tell I worked at a Yamaha dealership ? :)
Outstanding work with Cyclone. I understand the original box better, thanks to your software, and I'm having a ball playing with its sounds. Many thanks for this plugin, it's a keeper in my studio.
Dave Phillips
- Dave Phillips wrote:
I'm running Cyclone under Linux (!), using phantom_one's airwave utility to "link" the .DLL to a native Linux .SO object file. Performance is very good on Bitwig Studio, on a machine with an AMD TurionX2 CPU and only 3G memory. I've been happily loading performances, voices, and waves found at the recommended sites, many thanbks to the OPs for those links.
Wow. Interesting! I need to check out that Airwave thing myself. Have you tried if our other plug-ins work already?
- Magnus Lidström wrote:
Wow. Interesting! I need to check out that Airwave thing myself. Have you tried if our other plug-ins work already?
I've tested the Microtonic plugin in demo mode in Bitwig Studio 1.0.11. The presets work, but the GUI controls don't respond to the mouse or keyboard. I assume that's a Wine problem.
Checked out the demo for Synplant last night, it worked perfectly with airwave and Bitwig Studio under Linux (Fedora 19, x86_64). What a very cool synth !
Still fascinated by Cyclone too. :) And I second the desire to see a VSTi for the Yamaha TG77. That was a mighty box, I'd love to have a virtual version.
Best regards,
Dave Phillips
I discovered a set of DX sounds for the TX16w but they're in Yamaha's YDW format. Can they be used with Cyclone ?
Awesome! I see my Fazioli piano is included in the download above. The drum kit sounds excellent in Cyclone. I had sampled it from the original machine but it never sounded as good.
And I see Aphex Twin is a TX16W user too :)
Typhoon can import Yamaha format voices, but I don't remember that YDW format. Maybe just a memory failure...
- jammie logan wrote:
i have been using your typhoon os on the hardware for years
i use awave to create wxx tw sample files and typhoon sample files
can this emulator load these direct
also is there room on the os for extra code segments for the 68000 processor as we want to add usb support to the hardware
and as seeing you have the written code it would be easier than dis-assembling the code to impliment it
or does the tw just read image files
and thanks for the typhoon os
and for this emulation great work
What do you mean add usb support to the hardware?
Sounds exciting!
Do you mean like replace the floppy dirve with a usb socket or something?
- splodge wrote:
What do you mean add usb support to the hardware?
Sounds exciting!
Do you mean like replace the floppy dirve with a usb socket or something?
yes if we had the code we could add a usb port and wave file load
but the code is not available so we have to dis essemble it this takes time but yes hopefully in the future it will be possible to have usb support we are currently working on another machine first so that has priority but when that is done we have our eyes on a couple of old school machines for mod upgrades
- jammie logan wrote:
yes if we had the code we could add a usb port and wave file load
but the code is not available so we have to dis essemble it this takes time but yes hopefully in the future it will be possible to have usb support we are currently working on another machine first so that has priority but when that is done we have our eyes on a couple of old school machines for mod upgrades
Wow, that would be so nice to have USB on the hardware!
What other machine are you working on ? sounds interesing, FZ ??
does anybody have a comparison on how it stands up to the real thing? i mean when it comes to sampling in through external source? do they REALLY compare sonically?
because i've had my hopes let down by just about every vst/sample/vintage emulation thing out there right now. maybe i wouldn't be such a blow if they didn't hype it up so much, you know?
...but for some reason this thing has me all excited again. maybe because i know magnus is a tru playa. maybe.
- mark webber wrote:
does anybody have a comparison on how it stands up to the real thing? i mean when it comes to sampling in through external source? do they REALLY compare sonically?
because i've had my hopes let down by just about every vst/sample/vintage emulation thing out there right now. maybe i wouldn't be such a blow if they didn't hype it up so much, you know?
...but for some reason this thing has me all excited again. maybe because i know magnus is a tru playa. maybe.
ive not tried sampling yet but id say from the preset synth sounds you get with typhoon it's pretty close and very recognisably a tx16w but not as punchy or grainy as the real thing, i won't be selling my hardware BUT for it's really interesting and a very cool thing to have on the computer and im very glad it was made, a very cool thing indeed.
Id like to know the technical explanations of why it doesnt sound exactly the same?
I mean the output amplifier circuitry is going to be different for starters from that of your DAC and ive got a posh DAC [orion32].
ok i've been playing around with sampling from an external source. sounding very cool, i'm happy with it. however i'm getting bad clips at when looping samples.
for example i will sample a bit of a drone so its constantly producing sound into the cyclone, so i get why it's clipping each time it loops but is there any way to fade the loops or maybe change the envelope on the start of each loop? on an sk1 for example - setting it to loop and changing the envelope to a smooth ride in would usually fix the problem. any ideas would be great!
also hey is there a lately bass or solid bass patch in any of these? can't seem to find one. seems like they should be here. also DX7 no marimba?!?! great for bass..
I have found a new link to the yamaha typhoon library that works : http://ftplike.com/browser/nic.funet.fi/pub/sci/audio/instruments/yamaha-typhoon/
Thanks Johan and Myles for that additional resource :)
Edit: here's that resource converted into .img files.
funet.fi_yamaha-typhoon_Disks.zip(25.1MB, 3731 downloads)
(there are some dups, like sd009ye and sd010ye, already in the YAMAHA SOUND DISK LIBRARY disk imgs provided by teacue)
Hi, this is my first time posting here. I've been helping a friend archive his old TX16W floppies and came across a few that I haven't seen posted as disc images anywhere. There are four discs by Sound Source Unlimited, and also one variation on a Yamaha library piano disc that has different programs than what I've found on this thread in other variations of the same disc. There are also a few other discs that are the same as I've found in this thread, but with different numbering. Also, an acoustic guitar disc that has program details on the case that differ slightly from one found on this thread, but oddly enough those program details don't match what's on the disc itself (which was factory sealed and played by me for the first time). What's on the disc is verbatim to another disc found in this thread. I didn't include any data from any discs that are duplicates of what's already available, but I included label scans for all of them anyway just for the sake of documentation. If any other unique factory discs surface, I'll post them. Enjoy!
TX16W SSU etc.zip(9.9MB, 3467 downloads)
Thanks Pea Hicks for taking the trouble of sharing it!
I did a video for this plugin on my free download Friday youtube series but I'm now interested in the actual hardware. I love making sounds in 12bit especially drums. Silly question, is the functionality of the hardware like this plugin?
I'm stuck between buying this or an AKAI s950
- DJ Ave Mcree wrote:
I did a video for this plugin on my free download Friday youtube series but I'm now interested in the actual hardware. I love making sounds in 12bit especially drums. Silly question, is the functionality of the hardware like this plugin?
I'm stuck between buying this or an AKAI s950
Not only is it the same functionality on the hardware but it's even better and faster since you can use your own fingers on real buttons instead of fiddling with a mouse on a tiny plugin window with markings that people with glasses and over 40 can barely read ;) Also, much heavier input gain distortion is possible on the real hardware when sampling.
But don't get me wrong : I'm not saying the real hardware is better. Cyclone is really an awesome piece of emulation and with the preset loading trick, it just rocks!
Awesome thanks Pea!
I agree about the hardware buttons, but it is easy to set up a MIDI controller to do the same stuff except for typing names. You can assign controllers in System Setup Menu 4.
Hi everybody,
This is my first and probably only post here. My first hardware sampler was a second hand Yamaha TX16W, with the painful to use Yamaha OS. Later I bought Typhoon. I'm still fond of it and having Cyclone made me remember the great time I spent working with it. I still love its sound and having it in software is great!
I want to share a set of disks I made (mostly for myself) of the publicly available Fairlight CMI IIx library. I have created them since I like the lo-fi and crunchy sound character Cyclone injects to the samples. Much better than using Kontakt and/or Structure.
There were 31 disks for the CMI IIx library which I condensed to 17, because the DD 3 1/4 disks can hold more than the original disks for the Fairlight. Since they are public domain no copyright is infringed.
Only samples here for you to create your own programs and setups. You need to find your own loop settings but I noticed that the automatic loop finder of Cyclone works pretty well in most of them.
TX16W IIx.zip(6.92MB, 3377 downloads)
Thanks for all these patches, and thanks, Magnus, for so much over the decades!
I recently acquired a TX16W and I've yet to use it BUT it did come with a library of hand-labeled floppy disks. As soon as I can I'll get those imaged and compare them to what we have so far
I had a plan to convert the free Fairlight Library to TX16W, so Hugo, I thank you! You've saved apile if my time!
Greetings to everybody from 2022. The world has changed since 2027. I hope everyone here and their lived ones are safe and well!
Funet.Fi is still up, by the way, but it requires an ftp client and a proper anonymous login.
Best regards,
Glenn in New York a.k.a. glenesis
Hi, please reupload download link.
Thanks :)
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