uTonic and Permut 8 Crashing Logic pro X

Matthew Goddard557 views3 posts
  • Matthew Goddard

    Hi, when I tried to open my current project a few days ago, Microtonic started crashing Logic forcing me to disable the plugin.

    Now Logic has started crashing because of Permut8 and gives this error prior to the crash:

    Cannot load the file: The selected file does not match the plug-in parameters.

    No change occurred.
    (Chunk Error)

    I have downloaded and installed the latest versions but the problem remains.

    Logic Pro X 10.0.5
    OSX 10.8.5

    Latest versions of Sonic Charge Plugins.


  • Magnus Lidström

    Sorry to hear of this problem. I have not heard of anyone suffering from this problem but I did recently discover a potential crash bug in the code if Logic attempts to load invalid plug-in data into our plug-ins. (It happened to me personally during the development of Cyclone when I changed the plug-in identifier.)

    The best way to assist you would be if it would be possible for you to send me a Logic project that crashes when you try to load it. If you do not wish to attach it publicly, email to support@soniccharge.com. I could then debug to see if this has anything to do with my recent findings. If so I might be able to at least load the project, but I cannot tell if the plug-in data will be correctly restored.

    It would be worth a shot anyhow.

  • muuseec

    I have the exact same problem in Logic with Microtonic.

    If I try to open a project Logic just crashes.

    Tried reinstalling. Made no difference

    Logic Pro 10.0.6

    OS X 10.8.5

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