Microtonic 64bit AAX version

Carey Letendre2 269 views20 posts
  • Carey Letendre

    Are there any plans to provide a 64bit AAX version of Microtonic for use with Pro Tools 11?



  • Fredrik Lidström

    No current plans for that, sorry.

    Despite that it would be yet another platform to support and maintain, we have not completely ruled it out yet.

  • Carey Letendre

    That's disappointing.

    Thanks any way,


  • Ben Walker

    Any further developments on this? I've had to move to Pro Tools 11 and have lost a load of VSTi in the process, including microTonic which is a shame since it's been my goto drum machine since it was first released...

    It would be good to know there's at least a light at the end of the tunnel, before panicking and having to seek alternatives!!


  • Plasmingo

    I've also upgraded to PT 11 (soon 12), and i'm saddened having to leave Microtonic behind, and enraged by having to replace it with something else, on many, many songs.

  • Plasmingo

    I'm already partially on PT11, and not using Microtonic anymore.
    Since we can't count on any support from Sonic Charge, i'd like to ask around for alternatives.
    I've been playing around a little with Waldorf Attack, which not by a long shot beats Microtonic, but produces some pretty interesting sounds, and works on AAX;

    YouTube Video

    It's sold as a bundle with a synth and an effect: http://www.waldorf-music.info/waldorf-edition-overview

    Anyone got any other alternatives?

  • Chris Allen

    Sonic Charge plugins work great in PT11 when hosted inside the Bluecat Audio - Patchworks VST / AU plugin..either for FX plugs or the instruments.

  • Brian Boyd

    Yes - use Bluecat Patchwork if you still want to use VSTs and AUs in Pro Tools 11 or 12. It works brilliantly and easily!

  • Plasmingo

    Does it wrap the plugin transparently like VST-2-RTAS or do you have to do a lot of fiddling around for things to work.
    What I'm specifically thinking about are old projects that has plugin settings baked into them:
    Will I have to go the long route, save down settings to a patch, then reload them when the plugin is sitting in Patchworks. Ie. is patchwork a plugin itself that has to be loaded and fiddled around with?


    Man i'm so pissed off right now, because nobody gives a rats ass about users (users who doesn't want to have big unix-beards and know the in- and outsides of computers just to be able to create music).
    Avid is screwing us with the no VST wrapper policy, and plug manufacturers are too lazy to make their products work with a certain plug standard.
    I mean, if I could pick one, one single plugin that I could bring with me over to the AAX side of things, it would be Micro Tonic, hands down.
    Not to mention the gagillion different authorization methods you have to endure, just because you want to stay legal.
    Kinda makes me want to do everything with hardware instead. Which could get insanely expensive (not to mention cumbersome with all the maintenance old hardware requires)

    So, stay with ProTools 10 and have all of my favorite VST plugins still working through VST-2-RTAS, but have other plugins like BFD3 suck a** because they can't utilize the memory space they need, or, go ProTools 11 (or 12 if the licencing options weren't so f****) and have samplers like BFD3 work like a freaking charm, but lose awesome plugs like MicroTonic.
    There is of course the option to leave the entire Avid eco system and try and find another easy to work with platform that accepts VSTs. But then there are the hundreds of projects that gets left behind.
    Am I the only person in the whole world who has these problems?


  • Plasmingo

    I'm here yet again to troll the forum. :-)

    Has anyone tried Rob Papen's Punch Drum Synthesizer?
    The videos they have on YouTube and the MP3 demos on their page sounds pretty interesting, and what's most interesting is that it's an AAX-plugin.

    YouTube Video
  • Plasmingo

    Not having MicroTonic as an AAX is (still) a tragic state of affairs.
    I've been testing out a whole slew of drum synthesizers that work on AAX, but none come close to MicroTonic in its superb ease of use.
    The last drum synthesizer i tried was FXPansion's Tremor, which just like Attack and Punch produce lots of interesting sounds, but with the downside of it being very fiddly with tiny knobs that are hard to turn, and a lot of bugs. And just the thought that it would take a shitload of work to convert 75-100 songs using MicroTonic to anything else (even BlueCat with MicroTonic) is still very depressing. Next step for me is going down at my local 4Sound-dealer and borrowing a Nord Drum 2 (or 3) to see what kind of editing faculties it possesses. I'd really really hate going over to something hardware based since my studio is starting to get really cramped. I'll come back with a report on it when i've thoroughly tested it.
    BTW, I didn't just try the demo versions of Attack, Punch and Tremor, i've actually bought them, so it's not a money issue per se, it's a functionality issue.

    YouTube Video
  • Plasmingo

    What can I say? I'm totally in love with the Nord Drum 2.
    Been replacing MicroTonic with Nord Drum 2 in about 50 songs since I last wrote.
    Creating patches is super simple,compatibility isn't an issue (as long as you have MIDI and a 2 audio channels to spare), sure it takes up a little (it's tiny really) desk-real estate, but it's a small price to pay in this case (being able to continue making music properly).
    I know some people are happy running VST's through BlueCat's thingamajg,but it feels a bit meh.
    Can't recommend Nord Drum 2 enough. It's a very nice product placed in a very attractive price bracket.

    YouTube Video
  • Gaetan Schurrer

    I also am hugely frustrated by the lack of support for aax - I own and absolutely love microtonic and synplant, and wrap the VSTs to RTAS in my studio's ProTools 10 system, but my new laptop will only run ProTools 12 so whenever I am on the move I am now missing two of my favourite instruments, which also prevents me from opening many saved sessions that used.

    Please SonicCharge, can you look again into the possibility of delivering an aax version of your wonderful instruments? Pretty purliiiize with a cherry on top?

  • Chris Allen

    hey Gaetan - try using Bluecat Audio's Patchworks AU plugin to host the Sonic Charge plugins - microtonic / synplant both work great inside protools 12

    on a side note: is Soniccharge dead or dying? I would love to see a microtonic v2 one day? its still the best software drum machine imo

  • Magnus Lidström

    on a side note: is Soniccharge dead or dying?

    Of course not. We're still small (2 people) and prefer it that way, but it means we can only manage at most one or two new releases every year. Launches take a lot of time away from development, so no new launches = more development time = awesomer products to launch eventually. ;)

    I would love to see a microtonic v2 one day? its still the best software drum machine imo

    Thanks! We are actually at version 3 already. ;-)

    What would you like to see in a version 4?

  • Chris Allen

    Thanks for the reply Magnus :) huge fan of your work! Microtonic & Synplant are perennial favourites in my music productions

    What would I like see in v4? I think my no1 request would be a plugin that has a different sonic character - not a replacement for the current v3 (my mistake!) but a complimentary addition - a '909 to the microtonic's 808', if u will

    And: distortion. Lots more distortion options - both for the sound & the patterns - for example - I absolutely love the 'controlled randomisation' options included on Illformed Audio's Glitch2 plugin. Something like that in Microtonic4 would be killer..the ability to rapidly evolve drum patterns in a musically useful and controllable way would make it possible to jam with microtonic - even DJ with it.

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