bitspeek no presets anymore?

DSD#!534 views2 posts
  • DSD#!

    I have ableton live with mac osx 10.8.5

    There use to be presets for different sounds, but now my bitspeek doesn't have them no more. Is there a way to get them back? There was sounds like daftpunk and other names as well.


  • Fredrik Lidström

    Hey there. Now I am not sure why you lost them in the first place, but the VST bank can be found inside the Bitspeek.vst file. Navigate to:

    /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Sonic Charge/Bitspeek.vst

    "Show Package Contents" on that one and keep navigating down to


    You will find the file factorybank.fxb which you can load into your device details strip inside Live.

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