When I listened to the top patterns from generation 17 I noticed that they sounded unusually similar. I was surprised to discover that the reason was that all of them inherited from the same patterns of generation 16. Even worse, every single pattern of generation 17 came from just a handful of generation 16 patterns.
Turns out that there was a bug in the breeding algorithm. A left-over from the changes we made for the experiment with generation 16 (where we used patterns from all the older generations and not just the preceding one).
I have tried to correct this problem in the new generation 18 by breeding patterns not only from generation 17 but also from generation 16. Cause frankly, patterns in #17 sound like they all have the same snare drum and we all know how bad inbreeding can be for the gene pool.
In any case. Enjoy these top 20 patterns, despite the similar snare drums.
best-of-patternarium-17 by soniccharge
worst-of-patternarium-17 by soniccharge
Best and Worst of Patternarium Generation 17.zip(91.8kB, 1849 downloads)
Btw, even if we don't post a reply on these threads (laziness?) we still appreciate the work put into this. Including the "worst" batch... heck, I even imagine some from those as fills/odd breaks.
so... thanks for doing this! :)
Of course people use to speak when something is going wrong but rarely when things are ok... I apologize for doing this myself.
So : MANY THANKS for all the work around µtronic and the Patternarium !
As a "old" registered user I really appreciate the quality of µtronic and all this interesting experimental work with patterns.
Thanks again.
just add one thing : even if all gen17 patterns are perhaps sounding a bit alike, this is making this generation very interesting and very homogeneous and this can help using multiple patterns from gen17 in the same piece.
of course you were right to bring new blood in gen18.
They all sound wonderful in samenessicity. Thanks for for providing us with Patternarium!
Yes indeed, love all the work you guys put in to this. Much appreciated! :lol:
Within me are curious if there is an archive of all the patternarium rhythms/loops somewhere & somehow available for download, perhaps for paying customers of Utonic.
The reason why this is asked, is because there are rhythmical structures that my senses have enjoyed which weren't 'most popular' voted, and I can make usage of various rhythm loops no matter if they are deemed voted as 'worst' or 'best' ones.
Within me are grateful for your response :)
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