As mentiond in this post, the scripts for MicroTonic are written in PikaScript, a language that I first developed for driving the Synplant GUI some years ago. We encourage you to create new MicroTonic scripts or modify the existing ones and the following zip package contains the necessary documentation in order to get going:
MicroTonic Scripts Dev, 1050 downloads)
"PikaScript Documentation.html" is probably the first to read, although it is not actually 100% complete yet.
"MicroTonic PikaScript Reference.html" contains documentation on the API for controlling MicroTonic and interfacing with its data structures.
"help/index.html" is an export of the built-in function reference guide in PikaScript. (It's like the "man" of PikaScript.)
"Prompt.pika" is a script that simply provides a text box where you can execute single PikaScript statements for trying them out.
"Test MRPikaEngine.pika" is just a unit-test. Not sure why I put it in this package actually. :) Well, it does provide a few examples as it tests every single function of the API.
That is it I guess. Good luck!
Oh, if you write scripts and get errors, you are pretty much lost in the dark unless you run 'debug.pika' once. Then you will have detailed error info traced to Console (Mac) or DebugView (Windows).
Awesome! Although probably a bit over my head, I'll dive into the docs tonight to see if I can wrap my head around it...
Fantastic. What a cool little language.
- grymmjack wrote:
Fantastic. What a cool little language.
Thanks. Not nearly as cool as though. Had I known about it last year this would have been the obvious choice of scripting language. ;-)
- Magnus Lidström wrote:
Thanks. Not nearly as cool as though. Had I known about it last year this would have been the obvious choice of scripting language. ;-)
I had a real good laugh just now.. after programming in VB .NET at work the whole day I needed that ;)
Magnus, I'm just glad you aren't using Kvikkalkul. You'd have had to move to Finland.
Solved my own ?: If anyone cares, here are the patch param index values:
0 : OscWave
1 : OscFreq
2 : OscAtk
3 : OscDcy
4 : ModMode
5 : ModRate
6 : ModAmt
7 : NFilMod
8 : NFilFrq
9 : NFilQ
10 : NStereo
11 : NEnvMod
12 : NEnvAtk
13 : NEnvDcy
14 : Mix
15 : DistAmt
16 : EQFreq
17 : EQGain
18 : Level
19 : Pan
20 : Output
21 : Choke
22 : OscVel
23 : NVel
24 : ModVel
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