
John Engle4 960 views20 posts
  • John Engle

    Hi. I enjoy checking out the Patternarium very much to mine for beats as well as interesting drum sounds. I am discouraged from voting though, because for the most part the patterns I find most interesting seem to be not as popular with other users. Perhaps that is why I should be voting. I just feel like I would be shifting the experience away from what most people are interested in. Perhaps that's rubbish. Anyway, I seem to have more success finding patterns I enjoy the farther back in generations I go. I would love to be able to check out patterns created from the least voted patterns from each generation. Or perhaps a personalized version of Patternarium whether it be a stand alone product or a web application. I would definitely pay for that product. Just a thought.

  • Magnus Lidström

    - John Engle wrote:
    Perhaps that is why I should be voting.

    Yes, this is exactly why you should be voting. If a pattern doesn't receive as many up votes as down votes it will be ignored completely when spawning the next generation and highly favored patterns stand a greater chance of being selected for "reproduction". It's not like a few more votes on some patterns here and there is going to make a big difference in the whole, but perhaps one or two patterns in the next generation might be a bit more to your (and who knows, perhaps also to others) liking.

    So please never be afraid to vote. You are not going to destroy anything. On the contrary, you will improve the diversity in Patternarium. The worst that can happen is that we end up with a few more odd patterns (in a population of 1000 patterns per generation).

    The long term goal with Patternarium is not defined. One can imagine that on one extreme end we will get 1000 slight variations on the ultimate beat (so mesmerizing it will instantly get classified as an illegal drug). On another end we might get a soup of 1000 hopeless bland patterns, as disappointing as when you first mixed all your colorful play doh and it just turned out gray. Another scenario is that the sounds and rhythms will eventually lose recognizable characteristics and turn more and more into complete randomness.

    Time will tell, but as long as I find Patternarium interesting to maintain I hope to be able to steer away from these extreme ends.

    I seem to have more success finding patterns I enjoy the farther back in generations I go.

    Yes. A couple of generations ago I sensed that everything was turning into a single type of pattern (100-120 bpm, slightly hip/trip-hopish) so I actually tuned the algorithms in secrecy to include patterns with a lower score in the selection for the next generation. I was surprised to see it had an effect right away on the statistics. Check this out:

    Gen Total Down Up Ratio Voters
    0 483 123 360 0.745342 2
    1 1022 567 455 0.445205 6
    2 1203 647 556 0.462178 6
    3 20055 10212 9843 0.4908 170
    4 110783 57605 53178 0.480019 4540
    5 60565 33194 27371 0.451928 2237
    6 53351 28343 25008 0.468745 1700
    7 50174 26484 23690 0.472157 1645
    8 50643 25727 24916 0.491993 2157
    9 64117 34356 29761 0.464167 2635
    10 10014 5633 4381 0.437488 341

    Generation 4 was the first open generation (before that it had been invited testers only). Generation 4 got a very high up/down ratio, cause it was new I guess, after that it dropped and then slowly improved for every generation. Between 8 and 9 I changed the algorithms, and in generation 9 the ratio dropped, and perhaps it will in generation 10 too. This is not necessarily a bad thing though. It could simply mean we are getting more variation again, and with that come more crappy patterns too.

    I would love to be able to check out patterns created from the least voted patterns from each generation.

    We have plans to publish top and bottom lists for previous generations here on the forum. Soon.

  • Scott Oram

    The Patternarium is very slick! I usually will download most of them, because I am also listening to the sounds, not just the pattern. Sometimes you get wild and cool drum sounds, but played in a wacky pattern. I save it anyway so I can use those cool sounds in my own patterns.

  • Cédric Buron

    the obvious thing with the last generation is the 4 to the floor has disapeared


  • Magnus Lidström

    - Human Koala wrote:
    the obvious thing with the last generation is the 4 to the floor has disapeared

    Yeah, I feel a bit sad about that. They have been disappearing gradually over the entire lifetime of Patternarium actually. Perhaps there were not enough outstanding four on the floor beats to start and ultimately the break-beat / hip-hop style patterns have gradually won. I think it is also safe to say that beats that sound great on their own aren't necessarily the same beats that work in a mix. Four on the floor beats are often too simple to be interesting on their own.

    I'll let it be for the while. I have no intent of messing about with the "natural" selection at this point. Lets see where it goes.

  • Zouki


    A zip file about the 25 / 50 best (most votes) of each generation would be nice...


  • Dennis Harms

    - Zouki wrote:
    A zip file about the 25 / 50 best (most votes) of each generation would be nice...

    That would be really nice!


  • Magnus Lidström

    - Bronto Scorpio wrote:
    That would be really nice!

    And so shall it be. But we need a few days.

  • Dennis Harms

    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    And so shall it be. But we need a few days.

    Great! Thanks! :)


  • Raymond Franklyn

    Thanks Magnus, that sounds great...........

  • Zouki

    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    And so shall it be. But we need a few days.




  • Zouki




  • Magnus Lidström

    - Zouki wrote:

    Yeah. Soonish. We had one of our servers breaking down causing a lot of troubles with the site this week. So we haven't been able to do much yet apart from repairing damages... No worries though. We have been through worse.

  • Zouki

    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    Yeah. Soonish. We had one of our servers breaking down causing a lot of troubles with the site this week. So we haven't been able to do much yet apart from repairing damages... No worries though. We have been through worse.

    Great! TIA


  • java hut audio

    - Human Koala wrote:
    the obvious thing with the last generation is the 4 to the floor has disapeared

    I see this as a GOOD thing. If I never hear another four to the floor, it'll be too soon. :P

    By the way, I LOVE Patternarium! Definitely genius. No one else has anything like it. One of the primary reasons I purchased μTonic.

  • Zouki

    Would be nice with a "pattern number xx of xx" as well?


  • Dave Balmer

    Sorry to gush, but I absolutely love Patternarium. Thanks for putting the collections up, and including the "worst" along with the "best" is a great idea. :)

  • Ron Graves

    I have a suggestion for Patternarium to consider... How about being able to select a bpm range? When I'm looking for inspiration in the 140-180 bpm area, I have to sift through a LOT of slower beats.

  • Zouki

    Hi Magnus

    It would be nice with a "side number" on the Patternarium App. like "3 of 100" or "67/100".

    Often I can't find out if I've been all the way round...


  • Zouki

    - Zouki wrote:
    Hi Magnus
    It would be nice with a "side number" on the Patternarium App. like "3 of 100" or "67/100".
    Often I can't find out if I've been all the way round...




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