In case you haven't seen this one on the Ableton forum already, Tom Mosler made this wicked little drum-rack for µTonic. It basically lets you work with the separate output version of µTonic as a single instrument on a single track, allowing you to easily place different effects on the different channels. I made this rough little Youtube-demo some months ago:
The drum-rack is available for download here: VST-MicroTonic Drum Rack.adg(7kB, 2099 downloads)
Thanks Tom.
Thanks again! This is really awesome!
Use this all the time now! Many thanks go to Tom!
Great addons ! thanx guyz
Many thanks
Apologies where to I place the .adg file?
- Markus wrote:
Apologies where to I place the .adg file?
Any place you can reach from Live's built-in patch / sample browser.
Nice Rack..........
- Magnus Lidström wrote:
Any place you can reach from Live's built-in patch / sample browser.
If you put the VST-MicroTonic Drum Rack.adg file in [your Live install directory]\Presets\Instruments\Drum Rack\Kit, it will be shown together with all the other drum racks
That's really great and usefull,
That's hotness!
thanks for this one!
This is fabulous!
thank you it's great! ;)
but I could not get instaled \ Instruments \ Drum Rack \ Kit ... Ableton Live 7.O.18 OSX
Message: preset Can not be loaded. It is probably damaged
because of this live 7.0.18 MAC OSX ?
again I not find the link "VST Micro Tonic drum rack adg" Tom Mosler on the forum ableton
please elp me?
thank you Magnus for the beautiful instruments ( u-tonic and symplant) ;))
thank youuuu Tom for you work :D
It's cool, but I can't seem to route individual µtonic channels to specific audio channels. I think I'll have to go back to using the tonic as I used to: Normal Multiout VST without the drum rack thingy.... I just group the tracks with CMD+G and it's pretty much the same thing ;)
I looked into it a bit deeper. With Return Chains and Sends I have found peace.
Great little setup!
I'm more than happy that everybody is enjoying this little drum rack :)
PS. Rack was made in Ableton Live 8.2 so it will not work in previous versions.
So, here is version for Live 7: VST-MicroTonic, 1370 downloads)
- Tom Mosler wrote:
So, here is version for Live 7: VST-MicroTonic, 1370 downloads)
very considerate of you to do this for v.7
This is exactly what I needed.
But . . . will the Live7 version work on Live 8.1?
EDIT: Also, what if I wanted to make the patterns in Ableton, and the MIDI notes I create trigger the sounds in microTonic? Is that possible using this same set-up?
EDIT (again): never mind. sorted.
Hey all,
Bumping this for the Live 11 era.
Would the routing be handled any different now?
Any point in making this an AU?
Take care
Just tried it in Ableton 11.2.6 with MT 3.3.3 and it worked perfectly.
^ Same!
For anyone struggling with this, note that the External Instrument device is only available on Abelton Live Standard or Suite Editions. If you are running the Lite or Intro editions; you don't have access to External Instruments device; and this approach to running Microtonic will not work for you.
Ah yes, works perfectly! Thanks!
Cheers, Reyn.
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