Help with Generete Kick Drums on Microtonic or Synthplant

Alex Sky710 views7 posts
  • Alex Sky

    Hi to all Sonic Charge Lovers)
    I'm trying to do something similar on the sample that I attached, but neither of which does not work. Help me to understand. Maybe someone will be able to make a similar kick drum on microtonic or synpalnt. I will be very grateful for the help.
    gen_kick.wav(683kB, 973 downloads)

  • Magnus Lidström

    I love a good challenge, but the gen_kick.wav has a hi-hat in it. Do you want me to try to remove it, or do you have another sample, or do you want me to try to emulate the hi-hat too?

  • Alex Sky

    I cut this kick out of the track. So I can not remove the hat.
    A few days trying to do something similar. I try to use 2-3 channels on a microtonic to generate a click and a body. I also use an exoscope to visualize the process. For a click I try to use different percussion, hats and other sounds to generate modulation at the start of the sample. This kind of kicks sound great in the mix if there is an opportunity to influence the click, then you can perfectly lay the kick into the mix.
    I'm glad that it's interesting not only me.)
    Hat generation is optional)

  • Alex Sky

    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    I love a good challenge, but the gen_kick.wav has a hi-hat in it. Do you want me to try to remove it, or do you have another sample, or do you want me to try to emulate the hi-hat too?

    Magnus, I continued to search for similar sound, but so far without a decent result. I will be glad if you connect.

  • Magnus Lidström

    Sorry for the wait. Finally found some time for this challenge. Here is my first attempt.

    MicrotonicDrumPatchV3: {
    	Name: "KickSearch1"
    	OscWave: Triangle
    	OscFreq: 50.77891922 Hz
    	OscAtk: 0.00000000 ms
    	OscDcy: 357.44256592 ms
    	ModMode: Decay
    	ModRate: 252.87977577 ms
    	ModAmt: +29.37957481 sm
    	NFilMod: LP
    	NFilFrq: 249.06294250 Hz
    	NFilQ: 0.19928978
    	NStereo: On
    	NEnvMod: Linear
    	NEnvAtk: 5.23979316 ms
    	NEnvDcy: 256.24661763 ms
    	Mix: 95.36138251 / 4.63861749
    	DistAmt: 36.09503174
    	EQFreq: 2252.81518555 Hz
    	EQGain: -8.90474319 dB
    	Level: -5.09613964 dB
    	Pan: 0.00000000
    	Output: A
    	Choke: Off
    	OscVel: 0.00000000%
    	NVel: 0.00000000%
    	ModVel: 0.00000000%

    KickSearch1.mtdrum(0.55kB, 928 downloads)

    KickSearch1.mp3(45.1kB, 940 downloads)

  • Magnus Lidström

    Possibly closer match: change oscillator type to "Sine" and lower the mod amount to +27 or +28. It's mostly a matter of taste as we are never going to get it 100% right without additional processing. E.g. you might want to use a compressor to match the envelope better.

    KickSearch2.mtdrum(0.55kB, 901 downloads)

  • Alex Sky

    Magnus, you saved my life:)
    I can't tell you my joy!
    I give you my thanks!
    All the best!!!

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